25 percent increase in infections – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

25 percent increase in infections – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

This article is more than a month old and may contain outdated advice from authorities regarding coronary heart disease.

Stay updated Overview of NRK, Or by FHIs nettsider.

During the 31st week, 2981 Govt-19 cases were reported. At week 32, the number was 3717 FHI’s new weekly report.

The R-number, i.e. the number of people passing through many affected populations, has increased from 1.1 to 1.2.

– The epidemic is under control in Norway, but the spread of the disease is on the rise in many parts of the country, the FHI report writes.

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New admission cases are still low in hospitals and intensive care units. 29 new additions were reported in the 32nd week, four less than the previous week.

Five coronary-related deaths were recorded at 32 weeks. Since the beginning of May, this number has dropped to less than six each week.

The number of positive tests also increased from 1.4 percent to 2.1 percent. 21 percent, a quarter of the fifth case of infection, is related to entry.

Espen Rostrup Nuxstad

According to Espen Rostrup Nuxstad at the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the new virus strains will create uncertainty in the future.

Photo: Perit Rold / NTP

Espen Rostrup Nuxstad, assistant director of health at the Norwegian Directorate of Health, says the epidemic must be controlled until everyone is vaccinated.

– We are worried that the infection will increase drastically in a very short period of time because it is still a few weeks before everyone is vaccinated. According to Knoxstad, if many people get sick, it’s a big deal if we get too much admission before we get there.

– Tolerate more infections

At the same time, a similar infection rate from a year ago would lead to higher enrollment than there is now.

– Now the same pressure is not on health services. But this is still unfavorable because more infections can lead to more hospitals, he says.

Knoxstad previously said we would do better if we got under 200 daily infections, which went well in the summer.

– Many of the most vulnerable are protected, so we tolerate more infection, but we do not want the massive development of the infection.

8.4 percent of victims were fully vaccinated

The epidemic has been high in western Norway for the past two weeks, with 225 people per 100,000 affected. Then comes Oslo with 191 cases per 100,000.

In the past two weeks, 565 of those who have been fully vaccinated have been diagnosed with the corona virus. They make up 8.4 percent of the number of proven cases.

Naxstad says we will decide how safe we ​​are from the virus when the vaccination is completed in September.

– Then, let’s see if there are only small outbreaks, usually more infections or seasonal variations, more infections in the winter.

– We are well protected from delta variation, but uncertainty comes with new types, Nuxstad points out.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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