Acer bets on glasses-free 3D glasses

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Acer bets on glasses-free 3D glasses

Acer just unveiled a small selection of new products – from new gaming monitors to desktop and laptop computers with 12th generation Intel Core processors and Nvdia RTX graphics.

This is an exercise that is done at irregular intervals by all PC manufacturers, but Acer’s updated portfolio has managed to surprise us in one point, the focus on glasses-free 3D glasses in a couple of new products.

The laptop that would probably raise eyebrows during Acer’s launch was named the Predator Helios 300 SpatialLabs Edition (PH315-55s). Here, a 15.6-inch 4K display is the special component, which along with a separate app will ensure that some game titles will support glasses-free stereoscopic 3D.

Acer Predator Helios 300 SpatialLabs Edition (PH315-55s)

At launch, Acer claims that there will be more than fifty modern and classic games that will have such support, and that more games will be added on an ongoing basis.

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Under the hood of the computer, a 12th-generation Intel Core i9 processor, Nvidia’s GeForce RTX 3080 and 32GB of DDR5 RAM can be pushed to power it all.

Laptops with integrated 3D technology aren’t exactly new, but we can’t say the technology has really made an impact – it was usually very expensive and very limited. In the modern era, we also have virtual reality that meticulously outperforms traditional 3D in every way.

However, scene-free 3D viewing has some obvious advantages. Firstly, you do not need glasses or headphones, and secondly, support for existing games can be provided. To have a good virtual reality, the games should be specially developed.

But just like good virtual reality, you should also expect to pay for the 3D experience with the Acer Predator Helios 300 SpatialLabs Edition. When it’s due to hit stores in September, the suggested retail price will be NOK 38,490. So here’s just to start saving.

At the same time, many will likely wrinkle their noses so much that Acer apparently had to limit the screen frequency to 60Hz to make things work properly in 3D.

In addition to the 3D version, Acer will also update the “old” Predator Helios 300 series with the latest Intel processors and faster boards.

Understandably, not everyone wants close to forty thousand kronor to spend on a new laptop just to try some games with 3D effects, so Acer is also giving us another chance.

We’re talking about an external 3D display of the same type found in a laptop, i.e. a 15.6-inch version with 4K resolution that can be connected to an already existing computer setup – whether desktop or laptop.

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Acer SpatialLabs View, as the glory is called, has built-in support legs and weighs less than one and a half kilograms. In that sense, it’s at least a monitor that’s easy to carry over a LAN or similar.

It remains to be seen if that’s what it takes to get our hands on the SpatialLabs technology, but hopefully we’ll be back to 3D testing without glasses as soon as we have the chance.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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