– “All the time” we expect

– “All the time” we expect

FOLKSOMT: Lofoten is one of the destinations that already has many reservations for the summer. This is from the hottest day of summer at Rørvikstranda near Henningsvær in 2021. Photo: Gisle Oddstad / VG

Get ready for more Southern Europeans on the streets.

– We expect “all the time” when foreign tourists arrive this summer.

This is what Merete Habberstad, communications director of NHO Reiseliv, tells VG.

The Tourism Trade Association in Norway recently conducted a member survey – which showed that 24 percent of the company's businesses had more bookings from foreign tourists compared to the same period last year.

Merete Habberstad
Merete Habberstad

Communications Director NHO Reiseliv

During summer vacation last year, Viji spoke to foreign tourists in Bergen who complained about the heat in their home country. This year, scientists have said that it will be hotter this year.

– We get comments from many members that foreign guests like to stay longer when they first arrive, says Haberstadt.

Per-Arne Tuftin, director of industry association Norsk Reiseliv, expects more visitors.

– Norway and Scandinavia are generally the current destinations for those looking to travel north.

Per-arne Tuftin
Per-arne Tuftin

Director Norsk Raiselev

Increase from Southern Europe

Tuftin believes that tourist arrivals are driven by tourists from many European countries. However, according to the director, Italy, France and Spain have seen the biggest growth among travelers.

– Everything indicates that it will continue. Tour operators there are very interested in having Norway in their programs.

– Isn't that a bit annoying for us Norwegians?

– Not much, but it's clear that we have some places that falter in the high season.

Photo: Jan Olav Nesvold / NTP

It is important to manage the flow of tourists so that tourists are distributed across the country and come at different times of the year.

– We cannot end up in a pleasant situation for tourists or residents.

In a survey from NHO Raiseliv It also reveals that six out of ten Norwegians are planning a holiday in their home country this year.

– but I also think that Norwegians who plan a Norwegian holiday don't go to crowded places. I think it will go well.

But so far top tourism has not been a challenge. Still, Tuftin says it's important to work to distribute tourism throughout the year. To protect Norwegian tourism:

– One goal is to attract more tourists during shoulder seasons. This is done so that the people working in the tourism sector can get employment throughout the year.

Multiple bookings in Bergen

The most popular destinations are Oslo, Bergen, Lofoten and Tromsø.

Anders Nyland, tourism director of Visit Bergen, can confirm that.

– So far, 2024 is slightly better than 2023, he says.

Anders Nyland
Anders Nyland

Tourism Director Visits Bergen

Visit Bergen keeps a close eye on the statistics showing the rate at which hotel capacity is reserved.

– The rate is higher in June, July and August than at the same time last year.

Photo: Gøran Bohlin / VG

Already at the beginning of June, several exodus can be seen on the streets of Bergen:

– Now there are people from all over the world in Bergen, but the main season is just starting, says Nyland.

This winter, on the other hand, was far north in Norway for Americans Larry and Linda. Check out the video of VG meeting the couple during the blizzard:

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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