Three people and two dogs stayed Fjellanger is locked in a barracks rig at the dog center At Liesekloster, outside Bergen, after two barracks collapsed.
Before 16:30 three people and two dogs were taken out by the fire service in a lift. By then they had been locked up for over half an hour.
No one was reportedly physically injured, but the experience left those involved shaken, said Torey Fanbust, duty commander at 110 West.
Collapse: The fire service had to evacuate three people and two dogs after two campsites collapsed at Fjellanger Hundesenter outside Bergen.
Taleen thought she was going to hit
Taline Gulhaugen Erviks, who works at the dog center, was standing near the camp when it collapsed. But his dog, Freak, is one of two four-legged friends rescued.
– I saw it start to crumble, and at first I thought the force was going to hit me, but it was fine. I thought the trio on the second floor fell through the floor to the first floor, but that was fine, says Erwick:
– There was a thunderclap, and then the dogs started barking. I tried to run into Freak, but the entrance and stairs were all broken, says Erwig.
Rescued: Daline Culhougan was able to rescue Erwig’s dog Freak when the fire service arrived on the scene.
She says the situation is disgusting, but quickly confirms that all is well for both the humans and dogs inside the camps.
– The dog is very scared, but I think it will go well, says Ervik.
According to the police, no one else has been reported missing in this case.
NRK has not been successful in contacting the dog center so far.
Collapsed Together: Parts of the second floor of the barracks collapsed.
Photo: Ragnar Djostheim / NRK
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