Recently, brown bears have been spotted in several places in Rome. It was spotted in the municipality of Gjerdrum on Sunday morning.
Gjerdrum Mayor, Anders Østensen has a visit from Bear.
– 100 meters from the farm where I live, I have lambs. The bear seemed to be the kind of bear that didn’t hurt other animals or people, he says.
Østensen says the municipality will not introduce any measures.
– We expect this bear to make only a short visit and not be persistent.
I think it will disappear
The State Naturalist (SNO) has been keeping an eye on the bear recently. They say it is most likely a young male bear on its way from the interior.
A bear appears at irregular intervals in areas close to people and buildings. This is what director of SNO Morten Kjørstad says.
Gjorstad thinks it’s a young bear. He says there is no reason to take any action yet.
– So far, it has not been accessible or accessible. Perhaps it disappears as soon as it appears, he says.
The bear was spotted in Kloofta in the municipality of Ullensager.
SNO collected DNA samples from the bear. They are now waiting for answers about who the bear’s parents are and where it comes from.
– No need to panic
In the past week, the brown bear has been around Romerick. Ole Gunner Stone, a researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, said bears can walk for miles.
However, he believes it is unusual to observe this often. Bears do not like to roam near people and infrastructure.
– They soon realize that this is not a good place. So after a while they wander off or where they came from, says Stone.
If you should encounter a bear, the researcher offers some advice.
– If you see a bear, be human, talk to the bear calmly and walk away. He says the bear will run away normally.
If you see it, you have to pull it.
– MBut there is no reason to fear or panic.
A brown bear found in Gerdrum.
Photo: Lyne Tarp Huntewat
He was walking south
On Saturday evening it was observed in Sketsmokorset outside Oslo.
Police are asking anyone who may have observed the bear to remain calm and leave it alone.
– It is not appropriate for us to do anything now. This may be unfamiliar to people from the east, but it would have been completely normal if it had been in Trisil or Finnmark, operations manager at the Eastern Police District, Finn Havard tells As NTB.
On Thursday evening, a bear was spotted running along County Road 177 in the municipality of Ness in Romerick. The incident was captured by a passerby.
According to Romerikes Blad Bear sightings in Romerick. According to the newspaper, it was heading south before turning around, which is true considering where it was spotted on Saturday evening.
Olav Mehlum, head of the wildlife commission in Ness, follows the brown bear migration in Roemerik.
– It follows a path that the wolf has taken many times, but as far as I know, a bear has never walked in the same areas, Mehlam tells the newspaper.
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