Rock legend Bruce Springsteen used his visit to Jimmy Fallon’s “The Tonight Show” to put an end to a long-simmering debate.
On Twitter, there has long been a great deal of disagreement over the correct lyrics to Springsteen classic “Thunder Road” from the “Born to Run” album, released in 1975.
The album is Springsteen’s breakthrough and has since sold millions worldwide.

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At the level of detail
The discussion on Twitter revolves around the opening line of the famous song. It reads: “Screen door closing, Mary’s dress swinging”, or “Screen door closing, Mary’s dress swinging” depending on which side of the debate you’re on. So the dispute is whether this is the correct “swing” or “waves”.
Fallon weighed in on that debate, and confronted Springsteen about what was right when he hosted Fallon’s show on Nov. 14.
Well, I knew I’d get this question, so I’d be prepared, I answer Springsteen.
Visiting Norway: Here is Springsteen during a concert at Frognerparken in 2016 Photo: John T. Pedersen/Dagbladet
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He then finds a copy of the album, and puts on reading glasses to great applause from the audience.
– This album is almost fifty years old, and fifty years ago I was a sociopath. I was very interested in all the little details going on about the music, the album, the album cover and the lyrics. Everything is fine-tuned to be perfect and accurate. The lyrics to “Thunder Road” are on the album, The Right Words.
Springsteen opens the album and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
– the screen door closes, he reads.
He paused briefly before looking up from the LP in surprise.
As he is about to continue reading, Fallon jumps to the ground and says the answer will come after a short pause, but the relieved audience soon realizes he is joking.
– I’ve been singing “Swing” for almost fifty years. “The screen door closes, Mary’s dress waves,” Springsteen continues.
– what? Are they “waves”? Come quickly from Falun.
– That’s a mistake, Springsteen replies, pointing to the album and shaking his head with laughter.
A confused Fallon must conclude that he is more confused now than he was before.

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The 73-year-old Springsteen visited Fallon on the occasion of the release of the album “Only the Strong Stay Alive.” It was released on November 11 on Columbia Records.
The album is Springsteen’s 21st studio album and joins an impressive string of releases from the singer-songwriter. The album is a pure cover album as Springsteen pays homage to the soul music of the 1960s and 1970s. Dagbladet’s reviewer gave the album a single Five on the dice.
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