Celebrations on May 1 are marked by the war in Ukraine – NRK Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Celebrations on May 1 are marked by the war in Ukraine – NRK Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Prime Minister Jonas Kare Store (Labor Party) will begin tomorrow with breakfast on May 1 in Tramen. Before he left for Stoke. He will also speak at Larvick and Skinn.

He said in his speeches that despite the recent decline in unemployment, many more are still out of work.

– Now those who are out of work life, many of them young, we want to go to work. This is the win-win position. Working life calls for work, and we have many who want to work outside of working life. Then we need to add policy so that it is possible.

Jonas Gahr speaks in the canteen at Støre Stokke Stadium.

Prime Minister Jonas Gardner (Labor) is on a May 1 tour of Westfold and Telemark. Here on stage in Stokke.

Photo: Mats Ronning / NRK

In the six months that the Labor Party and the Socialist People’s Party have been in government, they have implemented a number of measures to recruit young people, according to the store.

  • Defend the right to a healthy, stable position
  • Remove common straw for intermediate additions.
  • Start working on a new model for work permit money that will get people back to work quickly.
  • Introduced the right to a pension from the first crown.

My government makes it even harder

Henrik Asheim, a right-wing vice-chairman and member of the Labor and Social Affairs Committee in Sporting, believes that the changes made by governments in working life policy have made it more difficult for young people to enter work.

Henrik Asheim (H) in Sorting.

Henrik Asheim, vice president of the Conservative Party, thinks working life policy is going the wrong way.

Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NDP

On the one hand, the store does not aspire to have more young people joining the workforce, while he makes it harder for inexperienced young people to work in interim positions or as temporary employees. .

He believes cooperation between different agencies should be better to shut down more people going to work.

– More people should be qualified for the job, and cooperation between the health service, school and NOW should be better. It takes a long time effort.

Many young people have difficulties

While hiring young people who are now out of work life is a goal, achieving it is challenging. Now it is not enough that many employers are looking for work, says researcher Jர்கrgen Svalund at the Fafo Research Foundation.

– It is possible to engage young people at work, but having a close follow-up and adaptation tool is absolutely important. For some, it’s important to have enough time for them. It will take many years. It’s not about months.


A man with a creative motto at Youngstorget in Oslo.

Anniken Huitfeldt speaks in Malvik municipality

Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt speaks in Malvik municipality.

The LO leader speaks

LO President Peggy Hessen speaks at Følsvik Youngstorget.

Celebration on May 1 at Dale in Fijler.

More than 80 people turned out to celebrate Corps Music and Labor Day during a celebration in Dale on May 1st.

Taken at FHS

The train left at 08.15 at the Labor Movement’s folk high school in Moelv.

May 1 at Ford

May 1 Train at Ford.

He points out that many young people are unskilled and face health challenges, which means they are not as stable employees as employers want.

– They may have health challenges or other social challenges, which means they are far away from work. They need extra supervision to get to work after a quarter of an hour.

– Storeingjeringa is ongoing

Due to the epidemic, the workers’ movement has been gathering for the last three years to mark the International Day of Struggle for Workers. But this year they returned, among other things, to Youngstorget in Oslo, where LO President Becky Hesson Folsvik was the keynote speaker.

LO President Peggy Hessen Følsvik on May 1, 2022 in Youngstorget

LO President Peggy Hessen is the keynote speaker at Følsvik Youngstorget.

Photo: zgur Tufan / NRK

He was also the record holder of the work of creating a working life so as to have a place for those who are young today.

– Jobs for the future should be jobs where we can see the future. It should be a profession in which young people are a part. Educated parents want to send their teens. We can not have a work life characterized by social dumping, intermediate positions, part-time, loose work, illegal overtime, and so on, he said.

People have gathered to mark May 1 at YoungStorket 2022

For the first time since 2019, the trade union movement is gathering at Youngstorget to mark May 1st.

Photo: Geir Bjarte Hjetland / NRK

Følsvik pointed out that following the input of the trade union movement, the government had taken a number of steps to strengthen the rights of its employees and that they were working to tighten the labor force.

– Together with the government, we do everything we can to clean up. This is a rapid change compared to the previous government. There has been a major overhaul of working life, said Folsvik from Rostrom.

Unity with Ukraine

The war in Ukraine also left its mark on May 1 speeches. In many places there were also Ukrainian flags with Norway. Store used parts of his text to promote unity with Ukraine.

– We condemn the Russian occupation. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and defend their right to defend themselves against military abuse. We defend our right to assist them in their defense. On this day we are conquering all the streets and squares. This war must stop. Russia must end the offensive and withdraw, he said.

Foreign Minister Annigan Hoodfeld on May 1, 2022 at the Homemelwick Platform.

Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (Labor Party) speaks successfully in Trøndelag. Here she is on the Homemelwick stage.

Photo: Morten Karlsen / NRK

The speech by Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (Labor Party) in Home Melvik was also the central theme of the Ukraine invasion. He said Norway should continue to help Ukraine and Norway should welcome the Ukrainians who have fled.

– We welcome the Ukrainian people into our community with open arms, as we received in Sweden during World War II.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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