Chairman of the amended national budget | He was heard

Chairman of the amended national budget |  He was heard

boss This is a leader. The editor expresses the position of the newspaper.

The government is working to boost the municipalities with NOK 6 billion.

In Troms, county council leader Christina Torbersen (AP) can breathe a sigh of relief. She has reason to be satisfied after working so hard to stop the expert committee’s proposal for a new provincial income system.

It is now clear that the basic orientation of the committee will not be followed, on the contrary, it has been rejected. Troms was set to lose NOK 116 million, but is now over NOK 18 million.

The municipality of the province also received 70 million in compensation for the price hike.

This is good news for the many people who use an important transportation system in the North; Namely bus passengers in Tromsø, which is entirely run by the county council.

In the short term, the fear was that adjustments in the revenue system would lead to a sharp rise in fares for public transport. So far, there is no reason to believe that will happen.

On the other hand, supplementation with money from the disposal fund, i.e. county savings, may also be needed in order to keep bus fares in Tromsø low.

In the revised national budget, it is also worth noting the increased provisions for cultural imprints such as the Northern Norway Games, Finnmarksløpet, Riddu Riddu and Kventeatret.

In addition, it is already known that an urban growth agreement has been approved for Tromsø, at the moment with a government contribution of NOK 1.6 billion. The same applies to the cultural district, which will be a landmark in Tromsø and Northern Norway, where 20 million has been allocated here for planning.

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One issue worth noting is that the renovation of the Troll Research Station in Antarctica took 2 billion crowns. This means a greatly enhanced professional environment at the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø.

The development, which will be planned in Tromso, will have cascading effects on local and regional businesses.

On the other hand, it is completely incomprehensible that the Minister of Fisheries did not find scope to support the port project in Hosøy in Senja with NOK 70 million, as the Norwegian owners have built one of the most important and profitable coastal communities in Norway.

In Senja, there is great disappointment about the priorities of Fisheries Minister Bjornar Skiaran, but we believe he will correct them in the state budget in the fall.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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