Change in campaign: – Absolutely beyond

Change in campaign: – Absolutely beyond

– This is an utterly horrible text – a call for the removal of Ukraine as a nation.

This is what Nubi researcher Jack M. said. Kozimirsky tells Dockbladet.

The text he referred to was published by a state-controlled news agency Rhea Novosti Monday morning – a diary, signed by Russian Timofey Sergeytsev.

Here, large parts of the Kremlin’s story revolve around the war in the neighboring country, which recounts their storytelling from the outbreak of war in Donbass in 2014.

But where President Vladimir Putin and his allies are most common in their statements, Sergiev is keen to plan how he thinks the “reduction” of the Ukrainians should take place.

Compared to Hitler

Marthe Handå Myhre, a graduate of the PRORUSS program at OsloMet, describes the allegations in the speech as intimidating – especially in light of the massacre in the Ukrainian city of Putzza, which affected the Western media.

Since Russian forces withdrew from the area last week, hundreds of bodies have been found in mass graves and scattered in the streets.

– This kind of mentality helps to legalize this kind of act, Myhre points out.

Leaked: In the leaked audio clip, we hear a Russian soldier coming home from Ukraine. Video: Telegram. Reporter: Magnus Boss / Duplicated TV
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Russia has denied all allegations of war crimes against Budza. They claim that the images of the corpses were fabricated and created by the United States and are “an obvious provocation from extremist Ukrainians.”

Both Katsimirsky and Myhrey believe that the article contains many well-known elements from the Kremlin’s campaign, but that it is too long.

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– This text is of its own kind, with detailed descriptions of an almost identical plan for the «final solution of the German Nazis. That’s completely beyond that, says Katchimirsky.

He has worked with Russian foreign and security policy for more than 20 years, and he says he is completely immersed in the speech, which was published by Rhea Novosti.

Among other things, Sergeytsev believes that most Ukrainians are to blame for the alleged – rejected – genocide against Russian speakers in Donbass. He points out that the Ukrainian people may also be Nazis, while the Kremlin has leveled these allegations primarily at the government and the controversial Azov Regiment. “Denunciation inevitably means granification,” he concludes.

Many have interpreted this as a call for ethnic cleansing by the Ukrainians.

– This is not just a call. To say in simple text. This is pure Nazism, says Nubi researcher.

He receives great support from Howard Swannbach, a senior researcher in the field of security research at the Norwegian College of Defense.

– Sergeytsev writes that the Ukrainian nation-state is an artificial anti-Russian program and that all attempts to create a Ukrainian nation-state will naturally lead to “Nazism” and therefore intolerable. He argues that the Ukrainian identity, which he calls Nazism, must be destroyed by ideological repression and censorship in culture and education.

– There is no reproduction in truth

The author of the article does not stand with the “denunciation” of Ukraine. He draws lines to other parts of Europe and believes that “Europeanization” is necessary – to permanently destroy the European identity in the country.

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According to Sergei Tzu, only Russia can save Ukraine. Because he calls it indefinite Nazism, it can no longer be like what Ukraine did, says Myhre.

– For those of us who know Ukraine, it does not reproduce in truth.

Butch: At least 340 people have been killed in the Ukrainian city of Putsja. Russia is currently accused of killing civilians. Russia denies this. Lt. Col. Keer Hegen Carlson believes the balance of power between Ukraine and Russia will change. Photo: Scanpix
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Godzimirski did not know Timofy Sergeychev beyond a long text on Ukraine, published in April last year with a similar approach. According to Bacon, he is a filmmaker by profession – relatively unknown.

– This case is a personal opinion statement, but it was published on a federal state media channel. The fact that such talks are actually taking place says something about that accent space at this point. While little public opposition to the war has been suppressed, at the same time this long and aggressive expression of hatred takes up a lot of space, says Bacon.

It is arguable that intoxicants of choice runs the taste in Indian cuisine.

– This is a well-known trick in the Russian context. Part of the intent may be to intimidate other parties into accepting Russia’s official demands as the least of many evils.

– Can one assume that the prints reflect the writer’s point of view?

Both Bacon and Katchimirsky think we should consider it.

– This is a view shared by many victims of the official campaign in Russia, says Kotsimirsky.

He believes the focus on Nazism should be seen for propaganda purposes. In order to print a column in the state-run media in Russia, one must include references to the Kremlin’s description.

When asked if the text could indicate the pattern of change in the Russian war controlled by the Kremlin, the researcher was skeptical.

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– Unnecessary. He did not write much for the news agency and thus he did not play a major role among their writers, but it was a topic close to his heart.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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