Charming and scary about artificial intelligence. Book Review: “The Machines That Think”

Charming and scary about artificial intelligence.  Book Review: “The Machines That Think”
Artificial Intelligence Expert: Inga Strümke has an impressive publishing history as a researcher, but Machines That Think is her first book for a general audience.

Artificial intelligence researcher Inga Stromke hits the zeitgeist in the middle with this book.


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If you want to understand what is happening now, you must have heard of machine learning, said Norwegian researcher Inga Strömke when she visited Lindmo this winter.

Stromky has a Ph.D. in particle physics and conducts research in artificial intelligence (AI/AI) at NTNU, and is now making her debut as an author.

In Machines That Think, she makes an honorable attempt to help ordinary people understand exactly what is happening right now.

The book is divided into three main parts: “The Beginning of Everything”, “Artificial Intelligence Today” and “Artificial Intelligence Tomorrow”.

Strümke does not «Machines That Think: The Secrets and Path of Algorithms»

Chapters alternate between relatively descriptive presentations of history, theories and concepts on the one hand, and ethical and philosophical aspects on the other.

Personally, I think Stromky’s writing is most engaging when it asks the big ethical questions.

The current AI debate involves more than just the use of ChatGPT chatbots.

Strümke writes informatively on issues around topics such as copyright (when generative models can create original images or music based on volumes of data produced by real artists—who then owns copyright?) and technology companies’ private use of personal data and algorithms.

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If there’s one thing you can be sure of after reading Stromky’s book, it’s that lawyers are having a good time.

Magical Machines: Inga Stromke has a PhD in particle physics, researching artificial intelligence. She also has a regular tech column on Morgenbladet.

At the same time, it’s not all black for the rest of us either. Because humans have yet to create and direct machines. And we have (so far) inherent abilities that machines don’t have, such as creativity, contextual understanding, and empathy.

But at the same time, development is moving so quickly that it is difficult to understand where it all leads.

It gets really scary when you read about AI and the lack of regulation.

In the face of these extreme forces, it is more important than ever to understand what they are, how they arose, what their goals are, who owns and develops them – and what their interests are.

And not least of all is how we will be able to control the enormous potential that lies within them.

Machines aren’t inherently good (to the extent you can tell humans are), they just do what they were made to do.

As Stromke writes: The goal of humanity is the truth about morals and values, which is complex and not entirely clear to ourselves.

How will we then formulate an AI goal that takes into account at least the complex and intangible goal we are dealing with?

Do we even understand what lies ahead, or where we really are?

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Stromky’s show seems magical and terrifying at the same time. If you want to look into the future, just throw yourself into this book.

It has been reviewed by: Oda Varimo Lindholm


Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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