ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Debate: Minister is skeptical about artificial intelligence in the Oslo School

ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) |  Debate: Minister is skeptical about artificial intelligence in the Oslo School

Education Minister Kari Nyssa Nordton (AFP) questions Oslo's use of artificial intelligence (AI) in schools. This came during the discussion on Thursday evening.

At the Oslo school, they have started a pilot project to gain knowledge on how students and teachers can effectively use AI in school. The project is being implemented in 24 secondary schools (out of a total of 187) and high schools in Oslo.

-We need more knowledge. We know that students in Oslo today are using ChatGPT and other AI tools, but they are doing so without guidance from teachers, and they are doing so without us having control over it. School counselor Julie Remen Midtgaarden (right) in Oslo said during the discussion: What we are doing now is controlling this use.

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Facts about ChatGPT

* ChatGPT is a chatbot, i.e. a computer program designed to simulate a conversation with a human.

* ChatGPT is built using machine learning based language models.

* The ChatGPT product was developed by the American company OpenAI, and was launched in November 2022.

* There are many alternatives to ChatGPT, including Microsoft Bing and Google Bard.

Source: The Great Norwegian Dictionary

He told that Solvang was a politician

To show what ChatGPT is, Frederic Solvang enlisted the help of a colleague to ask ChatGPT who it was. The artificial intelligence robot responded that Solvang is a well-known broadcaster, journalist, and politician. The latter is incorrect, and reinforces the point about AI – it is not accurate and should be used with caution.

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Or as Sintef machine learning researcher Filippo Remonato said during the discussion: – If it's used to lift you up, it's a good thing. If it is used as a crutch, there is no good in it.

– Artificial intelligence is not an educational tool, but a cheating tool

The use of artificial intelligence in schools was met with skepticism at the committee. Jonas Maas Nielsen, a leading lecturer and politician on the Millennium Development Goals, believes it is too early to adopt artificial intelligence in schools. Both because you do not know the consequences of use, and because teachers do not yet have the basic requirements that will enable them to control the use of AI in schools.

We simply use the classroom as a laboratory for new technology and our children as guinea pigs. He said: We shouldn't do that.

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– We have experience in the random digitization of the school, including the introduction of iPads, which happened at a crazy pace without any comprehensive plan, said the lecturer, noting that learning results in various surveys have decreased in line with the digitization of the school. Maas Nielsen says he fears that Norwegian schools will repeat (what he believes are) the same mistakes they made before.

– Today it is not an educational tool. It is a cheat tool. For it to become a teaching tool, we need national guidelines, we need good teacher training, and we need mechanisms and controls that teachers can use.

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Skeptical of KI in the Oslo School

– I just have to say that I completely agree with what is being said, said Education Minister Kari Nyssa Nordton (AFP) after Associate Professor Nielsen KI cautioned in the discussion.

– It is very important that we have good guidance for teachers so that this is used in a wise way if one chooses to make use of it, the Minister said.

Next, presenter Frederik Solvang asked whether the minister would give a “thumbs up” or “thumbs up” to the pilot project in Oslo.

– Oslo should be responsible for the decision they made themselves, Nordton replied.

– I can't even tell you whether it's admiration or disapproval from you for what they are doing in Oslo? Solvang asked.

– No, it is up to the municipality of Oslo to stand up to it and answer the decision it made, but I point out that the ChatGPT application indicates that children under the age of 13 may not use it, and those under the age of 13. And 18 should be done with close monitoring by adults, Nordton replied.

“So you don't like it?” Solvang asked.

– However, I think what is important is choosing what promotes the best possible education, Nordton said. The question was therefore transferred to the Midtgarden School Board.

It is believed that Oslo gives Norway knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence

“The question then is up to you,” Midtgarden answered and turned to the minister.

– How are you going to get that knowledge if no one actually uses it? In some schools under a controlled system where we have a chatbot that we developed ourselves, that we train our teachers on, we have materials, and we follow them closely, so the question comes back: How are you going to get that knowledge? If no school in Norway does this? The middle guard asked.

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Minister Nordton replied that the project could be interesting if it was carried out under a very strict regime related to research, and if one actually saw the consequences of artificial intelligence for teaching.

– But I think we have to be careful with that. After all, we are talking about children. It's the future we're talking about. “It is learning, and then we have to be absolutely sure of what we are doing, and that we are not going too far,” the minister warned.

– But it will be interesting to follow how this is done now in Oslo. She said they seem to have a measured approach to this matter, which is a good thing.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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