Corona, infection control measures | Municipalities are asked to prepare for a larger wave of infections: – We have asked for help

Corona, infection control measures |  Municipalities are asked to prepare for a larger wave of infections: – We have asked for help

In a letter, the professional authorities asked municipalities to prepare for an increase in infections and at the same time mobilize to face a new wave.

The municipality of Rælingen has received the letter from the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

– We have good cooperation with the health authorities and they give us good advice and guidance, says Rælingen Mayor Ståle Grøtte (Labour).

The municipality has now asked the armed forces to assist with vaccinations in January.

– Today I sent a letter to the Director of State with a request for vaccination support from the armed forces so that they have a higher capacity for a limited period of time, Grote says.

*** Check the infection status in your municipality below in this case. ***

You are now experiencing a rapid increase in the incidence of omicrons

Many European countries are now experiencing a rapid increase in omicron infection. The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) expects a significant increase in infection in the coming weeks. There may be a flu outbreak at the same time, and we still expect severe sickness absenteeism among staff in the health services, writes the Norwegian Directorate of Health in a letter to the country’s municipalities.

Tuesday met Health and Welfare Services Minister Engfeld Kjerkul (Labour) has called a press conference on the coronavirus situation.

– We have said that we will implement these measures until January 14, and we intend to stick to that, said Kjerkul.

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The Norwegian Directorate of Health writes that the professional authorities hope that national measures and vaccination will slow the development of the infection, but they also know that the omicron variant has a great potential to spread.

– For this reason, there is a high probability of a significant increase in the burden on health services in the coming weeks, the letter also states.

(The case is still under the picture).

– Understand that it requires

In the letter dated December 20, the Norwegian Directorate of Health asked the municipalities to see the health and civic preparedness as a whole and the preparedness for an increase in infections and to mobilize:

  • Crisis management and management of operational services that can handle increasing infections over time.
  • Vaccination of non-vaccinated groups and vaccination with a third booster dose.
  • increase capacity in services; TISK (especially Screening and Infection Tracing), General Practitioner Scheme, Emergency Services, Institutions, Home Services, Reception of Discharged Patients and Oxygen Therapy.
  • Prepare to take care of critical community functions and any other incidents that may occur.
  • Use the Emergency Health Act. The Norwegian Directorate of Health will facilitate the use of the Health Emergency Act if the situation requires it to request staff orders

Municipalities have made a huge effort through the pandemic, and the Norwegian Directorate of Health understands that they are calling for expansion when there is already a staff shortage, writes the Norwegian Health Directorate.

High contagion in the sky in Ollansacker – increase the number of employees

Olensacker municipality is currently experiencing high infection pressure with more than 2,500 cases per 100,000 population in the last 14 days. However, Mayor Evind Schumacher believes the municipality must be prepared for a potential Omicron wave.

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– We are as prepared as possible, but no one knows how the situation will develop. This has been the challenge throughout the pandemic, he says.

At the same time, they are facing significant pressure on their services, and are now working to increase the number of staff at TISK (testing, isolation, infection tracing and quarantine).

– We see that the situation changed quickly in this wave, and we went to infection rates that we had not approached before. It’s obviously challenging in terms of testing and infection tracking, as a large number of people have to go through it. Now hopefully, we’ll get a slight drop in infection numbers before we start right with Omicron, says Schumacher.

Still, he’s glad the vaccination is going according to plan at Ullensaker.

– I’m glad we’ve come so far on vaccination, and we’ll meet the government’s goal!

This is the infection in Romerike

As of December 21, 38 patients were admitted to Akershus University Hospital (Ahus). There are 12 patients in the intensive care unit and six receiving respiratory therapy. Ahus is currently on green alert.

Here you can see the number of cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the various municipalities of Romerke in the past two weeks:

Municipal Injury per 100,000 inhabitants 29.11 Injury per 100,000 residents 21.12.2019
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Source: NIPH and MSIS

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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