Corona, Nordry Follow | Not sure which Corona advice applies to where you live? check here

A lot of people are terribly wondering what rules are in place now, and here you get an overview.

Continue: These are exciting times, with a lot of uncertainty surrounding the infection situation in our region. We start in Nordre Follo, where the infection trend is now declining, according to the mayor, after a period of heavy infection.

This week, the municipality introduced 43 measures in accordance with the “Guide to Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of Covid-19 Outbreaks in the Municipality”. These actions are continuing. This applies:

  • Enhance communication about basic infection control measures to residents and municipality employees.
  • Report the importance of vaccination and that the risk to unvaccinated adults and the elderly is increasing.
  • The use of face masks is introduced to all staff in nursing and care services when staff are in close contact with patients and users.
  • Schools with significant outbreaks conduct regular testing at relevant stages.

On Friday 5 November, on the recommendation of the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health, further advice was given to the residents of Nordrej Volo:

  • Stay home if you are sick with new respiratory symptoms – and get a corona test.
  • Keep your distance from others as much as possible in public places, preferably 1 meter.
  • Consider using a face mask if it is not possible to keep a distance of at least 1 meter indoors in public places.
  • Consider using a home office whenever possible.
  • Reduce the number of close contacts.
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Quick Tests

There is an unsatisfactory condition regarding coronary heart disease, according to the mayor, and due to the high incidence of infection in a number of schools and kindergartens, students are undergoing rapid examinations at home.

– We are doing this to get a better overview of the infection status, says Chief Medical Officer dne Dæhlin.

– We do not currently have a satisfactory overview of the infection situation in a number of schools and kindergartens in the municipality. So we are now doing targeted self-testing of all staff and students/children on those. We still want to avoid imposing general restrictions on everyone, says Dæhlin.

Those who got a positive test should stay at home and take a PCR test at the municipality’s testing center. Those who receive a negative test can continue to attend school and kindergarten as usual.

Here are the general Ås municipality tips for everyone:

  • Continue to clean hands and cough.
  • Stay home if you are sick – especially in the first few days when symptoms are worse and you are more contagious.
  • Take a PCR test at the municipality’s testing center, if you feel symptoms.
  • Thank you for the vaccine.

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Corona measurements and tests continue – this is how they assess the situation at the moment

Increase in Frogn

After a period of flat and gentle increase in the trend of infection, one now sees, as expected, a larger increase in infection rates also locally in Frogn. Many of them also tested themselves, according to Frogn . Municipality. The infection rates themselves are not the most worrying, with public pressure on the health services, locally in Frogn, in the emergency room and in Ahus. More and more people with corona are in hospitals, and health services across the country are under pressure.

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Several of them have recently tested themselves, which the municipality says they are very happy with. Anyone with respiratory symptoms is encouraged to get the test, regardless of vaccination status. Most people can take the test as a self-exam. This can be obtained at the test station after the booking test.

The municipality will also remind you that the delta type of virus is more contagious and gives a higher risk of serious illness than the virus variants we had until the summer. The risk of infection, that is, contracting the Corona virus even if you have been vaccinated, increases more than 6 months after you have received the full vaccination.

Healthy young people are still well protected from serious diseases and tolerate potential infections well. However, for the elderly, such a superinfection can become serious, and we therefore encourage all of our residents over the age of 65 to accept the offer of a booster dose.

These tips now apply to Frogn:

  • Stay home if you are sick with new respiratory symptoms – and get tested!
  • Remember good coughing and hand hygiene.
  • Keep your distance from others as much as possible in public places, preferably 1 meter.
  • Consider using a face mask if it is not possible to keep a distance of at least 1 meter indoors in public places.
  • Consider using a home office whenever possible.
  • Reduce the number of close contacts.

Low infection rates

Nesodden now has the lowest infection rates in Follo, but that could change quickly, according to Municipal Self. There is a rising trend of infection in the municipality .. “Nisodin” shows in its latest report to the National Boards for Infection Control. To reduce the spread of infection, the National Infection Control Boards are very important:

  • Good hygiene – hand hygiene, cough and nose hygiene
  • Stay home and don’t be social if you have symptoms, even with mild respiratory symptoms
  • Get tested, even if you have been fully vaccinated. It is important to have a regular test if the test result is positive for the home test.
  • On public transport between municipalities, it is recommended to use face masks if you want to protect yourself.
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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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