Corona situation in Sweden: – – Be prepared to cancel Christmas

Corona situation in Sweden: – – Be prepared to cancel Christmas

At Tuesday’s press conference in Sweden, with Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, new measures to reduce corona transmission and the omicron variant will be presented.

The business owner should make home offices possible, adults should keep a distance in public places, restaurants should avoid crowds and bandages should be used on public transportation.

– We will introduce new procedures, the Prime Minister begins.

– Take responsibility

And continue with a summary of the infection situation in Europe.

– We are not there in Sweden at the moment. But we must act anyway, and everyone must take responsibility. The most important thing, Anderson says, is vaccination.

She asks everyone who has not been vaccinated to be very careful, but not least to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

– Second, for those of you who have been vaccinated – you should also be more careful. Especially when you meet people you don’t know who are being vaccinated. Take a break from stress, for example, says the prime minister.

Looking at Coronapass

Director-General of Public Health, Karin Tegmark Wiesel, says you should be prepared to cancel Christmas events if you get sick.

At the same time, it is indicated that if you are going to meet, you should be vaccinated.

People traveling abroad are asked to take the test as soon as possible.

In addition, on Wednesday the government will consider entering local Corona passports to enter, for example, fitness centers and restaurants.

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Additionally, a plan is presented for three different scenarios where metrics are categorized based on how the infection will develop in the future.

In the third scenario, which looks at a case with a very high level of infection, home schooling, canceling events for children, limiting working hours in the catering industry, and banning visits to health care centers would be introduced.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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