Counterculture, discussion | Regeneration could transform Norwegian food production

Counterculture, discussion |  Regeneration could transform Norwegian food production

Discussion post This is an introduction to the discussion, written by an external contributor. The publication expresses the opinions of the writer.

The principle is simple. Food on nature’s terms. Like nature itself, it provides a diverse agricultural practice that is difficult to define and define. Instead, the focus is on results. With results orientation and natural agronomy, the regenerative movement could transform Norwegian food production.

There is talk of renewal At all stages. Farmers are experimenting with different mixes of cover crops, cropping crops, reducing tillage, and using plant residues in compost, to enhance soil life, increase carbon and nutrients in the soil, and soil and plants withstand more extreme weather conditions. There are reports of reduced weed problems, and reduced use of chemicals and mineral fertilizers. Good returns and a stronger agricultural economy can be noted in Norway and internationally.

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The food industry is investing. At the European “Summit” on renewal at the beginning September, He spoke, among others, to Cargill, General Mills, Arla and Unilever about investing in regenerative agriculture; For example, about Unilever’s 40 projects and one billion euros over five years. Arla has programs with milk producers, and Japanese agrochemical producer Mitsui has bought a stake in regenerative coffee production because “the demand for agrochemicals is declining, and regenerative agriculture is growing.”

Retail chains such as Walmart, Ahold, Sainsbury’s and, in Norway, Norgesgruppen, have their own strategies. The first three talk about intervening directly with farmers to achieve a smaller climate footprint and a more robust food supply. Driven by requirements to report their climate footprint, sustainability and strength in their agricultural and food-related activities LendingBig banks like Lloyds claim that regenerative agriculture is the key to healthy financing in the food sector. European Union »Soil deal for Europe» He admits that “60 to 70 percent of the soil in the European Union is unhealthy.” Soil health must be restored by 2030. Norway’s soil health program is based on four natural, regenerative principles.

Diversity gives farmers room to operate.

Regenerative agriculture It has no precise definition, because agricultural engineering must adapt to the structures of nature. Regeneration becomes diverse, like nature. That’s why we meet farmers who are all dealing with nature, but with different uses of cover crops, different crop rotations, different degrees of tillage, and different fertilization.

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It can be diversity Strength, you must feel its value in the fruits! Diversity gives farmers room to operate. Farmers should not fit into a narrowly defined practice. What is the solution in one place may not work in another. Rather than a well-defined practice, regenerative agriculture should be felt through the fruits, reduced climate emissions, the ability to withstand heavy rainfall and drought, healthy soil, clean waterways, and enhanced species diversity above the soil and in healthy farm economics.

Documentation ability Results can become a bottleneck. Experts say: “Without documenting the results, there is no progress.”

Become a measurement technology As they develop, soil health and soil carbon content are increasingly monitored using sensor technology, microbiology and satellite monitoring. Industry, Banking, Grocery Trade, EU, Norway Soil health programmes Creates a market for technology. At the same time, farmers’ experiences are published. Together, farmers’ experiences and new measurement technology can provide self-reinforcing development. There are many indicators that pioneer farmers would receive much greater support through systematic documentation of results throughout the year.

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Some people think of one reverse order; First is science and documentation, then advice, and finally gradually new practices in the fields. Now, instead, it is farmers who see and understand nature’s structures, and value chain actors must provide environmental documentation, while scientific experiments and measurement technology come as supporting actors. Over time, farmers, documentation requirements, and science can provide a self-reinforcing interaction to increase sustainability. It could change Norwegian food production.

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The chronicle was written on the basis of the HELJORD project, supported by research funds for agriculture and the food industry, with partners Skjærgaarden Gartneri, Bjertnæs & Hoel, Den Magiske Fabrikken, Meny-kjeden and NIBIO, as well as a new project where Yara is also a partner, with support from the Sustainability Fund of Norgesgruppen, “ Handle”.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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