culture pulse | “Varmin” – Alexander: – The worst thing I’ve ever done in my entire life

culture pulse |  “Varmin” – Alexander: – The worst thing I’ve ever done in my entire life

The seventh season of the reality show “Farmen kjendis” started to be shown on screen again on Tuesday of this week.

There we can see Aleksander Sæterstøl (27 years old) from Hordvik as one of the 12 participants on the farm.

– I’ve never been involved in anything like this, Sæterstøl tells BA of Farmen’s stay.

Already in the first week, it was full of drama.

Like when TV personality Linda Adambour ended up getting into an argument with big-time farmer Ornulf Hoyer, after she claimed he used the word “bakis.” Høyer refused, and the conflict led to Adampour running away from the farm in the middle of the night and retiring two days later.

– Now I want to be here

But there will be more. On Sunday, the stage is set for the first duel, and the second participant who has to leave the 19th century, and return to the present.

Høyer chose Sæterstøl as the first champion.

– He wasn’t sure if he wanted to be here, reasoned Høyer.

– The first day was hard for me, I complained a bit and was tired and bored and wanted to go home. Then the days passed and the situation gradually improved, and now I want to be here. I made new friends who I value, Sæterstøl counters.

The Bergen native had to choose the runner-up, and he chose comedian Espen Lervag.


They then have to stay in a cabin by themselves for a day before the game, away from the main farm.

It won’t be easy for Sæterstøl, who says he misses people equally, both mobile devices and computers.

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It’s no fun being alone when you’re thinking a lot. If I end up here again, I will go home. This is the worst thing I’ve ever done in my entire life, he says and looks at the water.

But then comes match day. There will be an ax throwing competition between Sæterstøl and Lervaag.

It all ends with the Bergen player hitting most of the time, going on to “Varmin Kjendes”.

– He’s very sick. When I grabbed the ax, I felt it coming my way, and I did. Now I’m happy to be back with the gang.

There was one thing in particular that was challenging for Alexander (27) at ‘Farmen Kjendis’

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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