Debate, Politics | Combined school for the craftsman and the academic

Debate, Politics |  Combined school for the craftsman and the academic

opinions This is a discussion post. The publication expresses the opinions of the author.

several thousand Excited five- and six-year-olds entered the school gate last week for the first time in all of Trondelag. They left mom or dad, ready for ten years of elementary school. Ten years will bring joy, mastery, knowledge and education. Unfortunately, we know that not everyone will experience school in this way.

It will We do something with. We want a school where everyone can succeed, regardless of gender, background and the size of a parent’s wallet. In our school, all children should learn more and learn better.

a lot He is doing well in the Norwegian school today. We have skilled teachers, curricula adapted to the needs of the future, and over many years we have built and renovated community schools across the country. At the same time, we face some challenges that we need to do something about in order to ensure that all students thrive, learn what they are supposed to, and complete their education with a certificate or diploma in hand.

that it It is the challenge of increasing the representation of boys in the many negative statistics at school. They have a higher dropout rate, have lower reading skills, and make more decisions about special education than girls. We must take this seriously. We know this can have consequences for further education, work, health and family status later in life.

It suggests a lot that for many years the school had taken an academic direction favoring students who could sit quietly behind a desk and carry on. It is not suitable for all students. In a sedentary daily life without practical and diversified learning, it is not surprising that many students lose motivation.

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from to Children of 5 and 6 years old enter primary school with great enthusiasm, and unfortunately many pupils go to school with low motivation. Meanwhile, bullying is on the rise throughout the primary school, and in UngData there are many students who report that they suffer from various forms of stress. It’s a complex challenge, but at the same time the outcome can be the same: some students give up and drop out.

Believe The key to a successful school is to make it possible for all types of students throughout the school year to experience learning, mastery and well-being. Pupils should be able to learn with their heads and hands. Not only do they help children with different characteristics master teaching, whether they’re more comfortable with their nose in a book or experiencing something with their hands. It also means better learning outcomes for everyone.

Next year The government submits a youth report for 5.-10. steps. The crux of the message will be about how the school can become more practical and diverse, taking greater account of the fact that children learn and develop differently.

The school should Educate both academics and skilled workers. Then teaching must give way to learning in many ways. This means, among other things, that they have access to good and varied equipment and learning spaces. We must give more space to adaptation and local initiatives in the school, so that the school makes the necessary arrangements for all pupils to receive quality and adaptive education.

I need more Pupils complete and early efforts yield results. There is also a need for more qualified teachers who are given the time to learn and follow up on pupils, and the confidence to develop diverse teaching plans.

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Under the right Under his rule, the school developed in an increasingly academic direction, with lots of testing and bureaucracy. A number of the proposals they are making now continue down the wrong path, as more testing leads to more learning. In reforming Hoyer High School, among other things, privatization of the school, graded classes, and more national examinations were proposed.

this means We have the wrong priorities. We are fully dependent on more people completing their education, and gradually contributing to working life with the required skills. Right solutions will make it more difficult.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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