Discussion, Energy Policy | Energy Saving – Talk about Frequency

Discussion, Energy Policy | Energy Saving – Talk about Frequency

Discussion post This is a discussion entry, written by an external contributor. The post expresses the views of the author.

Now NVE has to take its turn. I have a house and I use as much electricity as I need, no more and no less. I don't use more if electricity is cheap. On the other hand, if it were as cheap as it was before, and as it still can be, I would have more money to meet the other needs of life.

I use the power I have to use, no more, no less. And the high electricity prices don't help matters. Quite the opposite! Electricity has a cost price and should be applied all year round!

I invested in a heat pump without public support! Otherwise the house is reasonably well insulated, and I don't have heating cables in the hallway and driveway, but sometimes I wish I did. Of course, I won't use electricity when it's not necessary, and I think most people manage it as best they can.

All can be LED, and the outside lights are controlled.

Moreover, you cannot stand and talk about saving energy when the authorities do not do it themselves when electricity is used in unnecessary places.

No wonder you have a power shortage!

What has been achieved with the electrification that has been done so far and has anything been achieved with what is planned for electrification? I want an answer to this now!

Results and effects must be documented.

The energy policy is wrong. The energy law should never have been changed and electricity and energy should never have been made a commodity. Energy is a resource and Norway is rich in it. It should be managed for the benefit of the whole society! I can't see that being done yet! It should be consistent!

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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