Dorothe Skabel, Celebrity Farm | Dorthe Skappel took action: – I missed it when I was on the 'farm'

Dorothe Skabel, Celebrity Farm |  Dorthe Skappel took action: – I missed it when I was on the 'farm'

After a short break, Dorothy Scabelle (61 years old) returns to television as presenter of the program “Farmen kendis” in the new year.

The 61-year-old is not inexperienced in the role of broadcaster. In fact, she has more than 20 years of experience in this field, and she knows very well what it's like to be involved in “Farmen kendis”.

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She particularly took the recent experience with her when she took over the job from Tyrell Siastad Christiansen (28).

Form his own role

For Skabel, it was important to take with her what she missed when she was co-presenting.

– I was one of the participants myself, so it is easier to think about what you missed, she tells Netavisen.

– Not to disparage some of the former broadcasters, but when I was on the “farm,” I missed a little the person who could come up and hug me and ask me if I was okay. She adds: I think I did it more than others.

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Being in close proximity to the participants in particular was important to Skappel, who is grateful that she was allowed to shape the role herself.

– He allowed me to own the role, she says, and continues:

– Even though it doesn't look good on screen, I felt like I was there very much. That was the most important thing to me, was for the participants to feel that I was there for them all the way.

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You want change

Dorothy Scabelle points out that although the role of a presenter is not a large one, it is important.

She is proud of how she was able to combine attendance and support, and says she has received good feedback, both from viewers and from celebrity participants.

– The participants said they were very happy that I was there for them, says the presenter.

At the same time, she can reveal that she spent a lot of time behind the cameras with the participants between fights.

-I spent hours of conversations with them, simply to relieve the pressure a little. I really enjoyed it, because I like talking to people. I've always done that,” she says.

In the future, she hopes to do more of this:

– The presenter's role does not have to be greater, but I hope that I will be allowed to be there more. Support more.

– A little in the middle

Skappel also took a clear stance on integration among participants when she entered the farm as a new presenter.

Because although we previously saw her in full makeup and high heels in “Good Evening Norway”, Skappel looks more “normal” in “Farmen kendis”. This made things easier for her and the celebrity participants, the 61-year-old believes.

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– Probably the hardest thing about coming in as a new presenter is finding your place. Because on the one hand you are not a participant, you are not a participant, you are not part of the production either. She explains and adds: You're a little bit in the middle.

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– That's why I was very careful not to show up with any fancy clothes and too much makeup – I wanted to feel like I was part of the gang. It was very important to me.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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