The upper floor of an apartment building in Fjell County in Drammen is on fire.
According to an NRK reporter there, heavy flames and black smoke were high.
– Ottar Steinstew, operations manager for the Southeastern Police District, told NRK after 5 p.m.
Arne is the acting head of the gut police.
Photo: Dortis Gowtplas / NRK
– Residents who were in detention when it started burning were evicted to Fjell School. “As far as I am aware, no one was injured in the fire,” said Arne Goodall, police chief.
– We slammed all the apartment doors, and there are many more because it was nine-story high volume, low mobility or quality to ensure there was no others inside, the fire spread further.
Gut says there are people who can’t get out of the barrier on their own and need the help of the police. He says the situation is not yet clear and that is why everyone in the constituency has chosen to evacuate.
It burns on the top floor of the block on the Lauritz Hervigs vei.
Photo: Henning Hope Ronhowde / NRK
Police: – Tragedy throughout the district
All information received by police was that there was smoke and flames from the upper floor at the northern end of the block.
– Eventually, residents will be taken to hotels in Drammen. Goodall says that block will not be uninhabitable for people tonight.
Operations Manager Steinstow stresses that such fires take time for the fire service, police and health service.
The Troman Region Fire Service says all available personnel have been called. And basically people who have time. In addition, they seek help from Oscar and Cobstadt in Westfold.
– This is not only a great tragedy for those involved, but for the whole district. A lot of people are involved in it and it creates a lot of emotions. You can see it here too. There are many people who have anxiety and fear, says Kudal.
The fire may have spread to the barricade.
Photo: Henning Hope Ronhowde / NRK
The chief ran into the burning bar and knocked on the door
NRK, a resident of the 8th floor of the block on which it burns, was greeted by a lot of smoke when he came out of the hallway. He says he heard a fire alarm when it started burning on the top floor of his apartment.
The principal of Fjell School, Arnstein Larsen, says he was on his way home from work when he saw a barricade burning across the street.
The principal tells NRK that he ran into the block and started knocking on the door. Before he could go back, he climbed to the 7th floor of the block. The fire there is very powerful.
Larson says he tried to help people coming out of the building. Now he is working outside and helping those who have been evicted.
Ernstein is the headmaster at the Larson Fiezel School, which is located across the road from the block.
Photo: Carolyn Beckleund Hajj / NRK
I think the new alarm system could have saved lives
– Jonas Flintheim, owner of one of the apartments in the block, told NRK that the fire was reported in the balcony of the apartment next door.
Jonas Flintheim owns an apartment on the top floor of the block. Rented to a family of four.
Photo: Henning Hope Ronehowte / NRK
He rents the apartment himself, which was not in the block when it started burning.
– I had to drive at full speed to see if it goes well with people I know who live here, says Flintheim before adding:
– They were all shocked.
– How is the fire safety in the constituency?
– I’m sitting on the board, so we worked with fire safety. This is very important in a module like this. We have a completely new alarm system that could have saved lives today, says Flintheim.
Flintheim says you can see the roof burning on all four stairs. He estimates that all high-rise apartments are uninhabitable.
– Looks like no lives were lost here. That is one thing to say. Thank God it went well, says Flintheim.
Expelling people from the neighborhood to school
It is located opposite the burning block Fjell School and according to the police, the evictees are being sent there.
Emergency services were notified of the fire at Lauritz Hervigs vei at 15.35pm on Wednesday. According to police, the reporter observed the flames.
According to the Southeast Police District, 75 people must be registered as residents of the constituency. By 4.30pm, police said they had completed the evacuation but the area of the block near the fire would be double-checked.
Susanne Kjær, chair of the Drammen municipality’s crisis committee, told the NRK that many in the municipality are now involved in relief work. Over the next few days many will be working on this.
This is a challenging firefighting job in a nine-story apartment building.
Photo: Henning Hope Ronhowde / NRK
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