Energy crisis gives new life to the idea of ​​wave power – NRK Vestland

Energy crisis gives new life to the idea of ​​wave power – NRK Vestland

This wave power plant will replace the power installations and power generators we have today.

The So Then Minister of Oil and Energy Kåre Kristiansen (KrF) when he opened the wave power plant at Toftøyna in Øygarden outside Bergen in 1985.

It’s been nearly 40 years since then and the Western Winter Storms have occurred Hell With the dream of the power of the waves.

It symbolizes the fact that all that remains of the facility at Toftøyna is concrete and rust elements rebar.

Meanwhile, new energy hopes are emerging: offshore wind, bioenergy, geothermal, solar, and hydrogen.

As the vision of the power of the waves and the power of the tides faded away.

Many people are now wondering if the frayed power state combined with new technology means that wave power diagrams have to appear from a desk drawer again.

Ruins of a wave power plant in Ogarden

Two companies have been experimenting with different solutions for harnessing wave energy in Øygarden. Both times the station crashed.

Photo: Per Christian Magnus / NRK

The Joker could be in an energy crisis

in the so-called interrogation Liberal representative Alfred Bjorlo asks what the minister and government will do to make Norway once again a leader in wave energy technology.

Burlow tells NRK that the power of the wave could be a joker in the energy crisis we’re going through right now.

According to the European Energy Forum, wave energy can achieve 10 percent of electric power production in Europe by 2050.

in energy message, As the Norwegian parliament agreed in June, wave strength was discussed in positive terms, simply without particularly binding formulas.

Rapid technological development is taking place, Bjorlo adds, and that it is only a matter of time before they are “decoded”.

On Wednesday of this week, he will travel to Svane outside Floro, where Huffcraft Måløy is building a wave energy pilot plant in collaboration with the farming industry.

My impression is that a lot of people think this is a good thing in theory, but that little has happened in practice. Perhaps the pilot project in Floro can give us better and more realistic answers, says Sophie Marhauge (Raudt) at the Parliament’s Energy and Environment Committee.

We have to think about diversity in the energy mix

The director of the Millennium Development Goals Network, Arield Hermstad, is among those who witnessed the pilot project in Floro.

This is a small scale plant of course that does not solve the entire energy crisis on its own, but it is one of many solutions that should be part of a diverse mix of energy sources.

He adds:

The government should consider the possibilities of stimulating this type of solution. Wave power is not a quick fix, but we have to consider diversity in the power mix.

Reply from Fund of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy in fact.

SINTEF Energi and SINTEF Ocean have now partnered with a European start-up collaborative project Which will demonstrate the next generation testing methodology for wave power inverters, also called Power Take Offs.

to me fishing magazine Sintef Energi’s project manager, Hans Christian Pollstad, says the wave strength is “about 15 years behind the offshore wind”.

wave power generator

This is a wave energy generator, developed by Western Huffcraft. For two years, the company tested the technology at Stadhavet.

Illustration: The power of the sea

Higher energy prices and more robust solutions can make marine energy competitive

Large wave and tidal water resources mean that Norway has special prerequisites for developing this technology, says Energi Noreg’s Director of Renewable Energy, Eivind Heløe.

He notes that a green transition requires “a whole host of new renewable technologies,” and that “tidal power is probably one of these.”

The physical stress on the plant meant the technology was not competitive. He says higher energy prices, along with extensive research efforts in this area, are likely to change this.

The Nature Conservancy’s president, Trols Julesen, says that a lot has happened since the 1980s-prone to “wedge-channel technology” and that he trusts more in “float-based methods” (see image below).

I still have faith that wave power can contribute valuable energy, he says.

ocean energy cartoon

Ocean Energy has developed a storm buoy that sinks below the surface during a storm and thus “warms off the weather” while the generator itself is safely positioned on the sea floor.

We are going through a bad time

Progress Party Energy and Environment Committee member Marius Arion Nielsen explains that the prerequisite for all public investments must be profitable.

The role of politicians is to facilitate good framework conditions for the development of power, while industry has the technological competence to drive development forward, he says.

Zero Environmental Foundation director, Sigrun Aasland, told NRK that “no technologies should be neglected,” but time required quick and familiar solutions.

There is a lot of searching for creative solutions now. But we are short on time and already know what we have to do: energy efficiency and the development of solar, wind and hydropower. We can’t avoid that, which is urgent.

Runde's Wave Energy Float

The power of the wave can be a joke in the energy crisis we are going through right now, says Alfred Burlow (V).

Photo: Waves4Power

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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