Energy, solar panels | Father and son live on the sunny side and produce electricity themselves while electricity prices in Norway are record high: – Since the prices are now, it wasn’t long before the station was paid

Energy, solar panels |  Father and son live on the sunny side and produce electricity themselves while electricity prices in Norway are record high: – Since the prices are now, it wasn’t long before the station was paid

The roof of Kenneth Fastestvite (37) produces electricity. Although the facility was not ready before Christmas, he had already sold some electricity online. That is, the factory produced more than was used at that time.

Above lives his father, Per Steinar Fasstveet, 63, who installs his system on the roof of the garage.

With today’s electricity prices, Kenneth Vasstveit is happy to open the app on his mobile to see how much the sunroof is producing. December is the least productive month of the year when it comes to solar energy. But two days after the sun went down, it resulted in a higher yield than consumption and therefore online selling.

It was Beer Steiner Fasstwaite who made his son consider the idea of ​​investing in photovoltaic systems. The son does not regret it, and now they are going to install a system on the roof of the garage for the father. Their homes face south at Vasstveitbakkene outside of Tau.

– Installing solar panels on the roof is not complicated, but it does require a lot of work. On the roof of the garage I have to remove the 90 receptacles and grind notches for the fasteners that will attach the solar panels to the roof. Since we did the work ourselves, we probably saved 40,000 crowns on each roof, says the 63-year-old.

He went a long way and put most of the fasteners in place and drilled the cable between the garage and the house. His plant should be able to produce ten kilowatts on the best summer days. On an annual basis, it will produce 8000 kWh.

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Covering one third of the energy consumption

– It does not cover my need, but it should cover at least a third of the consumption. Then we get some experience with our facilities, before we can install solar panels on several roofsBig Vasstveit says.

He’s a trained electrician and an electrical teacher at Strand High School, and he thinks solar panels are interesting. He believes that you can do a lot of assembly work even if you are just a little handy. Some work to be done by an electrician.

– For an electricity price of one kroner, my factory was paid off in less than ten years. If the rate is Kronian, it is repaid in less than five years. With that price, you can also enter the network rent, since we don’t have to pay the network rent from the roof to the house. As the prices are now, it wasn’t long before the facilities were paid off. I don’t think the price of electricity will go back to what it was at 10-20 øre per kilowatt, says an electrician.

His facility costs 75,000 NOK when deducting Enowa’s support. At this price there is no assembly work as he did himself. But the case is that solar panels produce the most electricity on nice summer days, when consumption and electricity prices are at their lowest.

– In this sense, it is interesting that through the company where I buy energy I can turn off a virtual battery. I didn’t sit down enough. But I understand that I can put electricity on it in the summer and put out the equivalent of many kilowatts when I need it in the winter. But then I expect to have to pay network rent for that part, says Per Steinar Vasstveit.

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Replacing roof tiles with solar panels

He climbed his roof over the roof tiles. The son had to replace his roof tiles, remove the old tiles and replace them with solar panels. Thus, he can deduct the cost with new roof tiles in his account.

– Solar panels have improved year by year. There is talk that they will be one percent better this year. If I had waited five years, it would have been better, but at the same time I would have lived those years without production, says Fastvite Senior.

When Strandboin visited Vasstveit Jr. on Tuesday, his plant was producing 6.5 kilowatts at its best. On the brightest summer days with the sun setting, the plant will produce 16.2 kWh. On an annual basis, the plant will produce more than 13,000 kilowatts, which is more than half of the consumption.

– I’m satisfied with the factory so far I’m in the mobile app and I’m checking the production exactly as it is. But I’ve only run the factory for four days and can’t say much yet, smiles Kenneth Fastvite.

The 37-year-old’s facility cost NOK 150,000 when Enowa’s support was deducted. Additionally, avoid spending 40,000 kroner on new roof tiles.

– How long is the factory service life?

– Warranty 25 years. I don’t know if they have a fixed lifespan. I would prefer technology to get better all the time, says Kenneth Fassteveit.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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