Elkjøp turned in the discussion about equal pay and bonus plans for the company’s employees. The force does not yet know whether it will do the same.

The authority will conduct an assessment after Elkjøp has reversed its wage practices to trade unions.
On Monday, it became known that Elkjøp is reversing and changing its pay model so that both trade unions and unorganized people receive equal pay and bonus systems.
The main rival force has yet to take a position on how it relates to Elkjøp’s wage grip.
– We’ll be doing an assessment of this during the week, says Nordic’s Director of Public Relations and Communications, Siri Røhr-Straff, to E24.
Elkjøp received heavy criticism after E24 wrote that employees in trade unions were not allowed to participate in the chain’s monthly bonus scheme. Subsequently, it became known that Power employees would also be deprived of bonuses if they obtained a collective agreement.
Like Elkjøp, Bauer has been criticized by the Labor Party, SV, Rødt and LO for discriminating against employees.
Believes that power should follow
– We were not in contact with Power after Elkjøp turned around, says LO Trade Union and Office (HK) head Christopher Beckham to E24.
Hong Kong will now request a meeting with the electric chain.
Christopher Beckham in Commerce and The Office.
We want to be clear on our point, says Beckham, who describes the current salary and bonus system as a “terrible difference in treatment.”
Now that Elkjøp has turned around, he adds, it should also be possible for Power. HK has been in contact with Power before and has clearly stated what they think about the issue.
It would be a million loss to power
SV Deputy Leader Torger Knang-Felixens described the practice as “shameful” for the E24. While the red chief Bjornard Moxness said:
If this discrimination was illegal before, it should be.
At the end of August, E24 wrote about how supermarkets in the energy chain that organized themselves by collective agreement should not be part of the chain’s reward scheme.
Internally, energy manager Anders Nilsen reports that unregulated stores are getting “by far the best deal”.
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Elkjøp turns around and gives employees equal pay and bonus systems
The force has monthly bonuses and annual bonuses. It is paid to employees if specific sales targets are met. None of the bonuses are given to employees in collective bargaining warehouses.
– I think part of the reason why more people in this industry aren’t regulated, is that you have such good conventions without them. “I think that plays an important role,” Nielsen said in an interview with E24.
He said it would cost Bauer “a significant amount of a million” if the collective bargaining stores also received a bonus, and noted that those contracts, among other things, give the right to inconvenience allowances, which other employees don’t. .
Cheers Elkjøp
– I think it’s great for the employees at Elkjøp now to have equal terms. Management has been responsive, which is great, says Christopher Beckham, union leader and LO, to E24, on Monday afternoon.
Beckham wants to “encourage Elkjøp” and continue the conversation with them.
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LO has terminated a benefit agreement with Elkjøp worth NOK 30 million
We are a large organization and have always worked with the principle of being a business that learns and listens. It is important to us that there is no doubt about freedom of association. We are now beginning to work on introducing equal pay and bonus schemes for our employees, says Stein Riibe, Director of Human Resources at Elkjøp Nordic, in a press release on Monday.
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Employees of the authority are denied bonuses if they obtain a collective agreement
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