Expensive to choose the wrong color

Expensive to choose the wrong color

With freezing temperatures creeping in, it’s time to check antifreeze on the car. You should check that there is enough fluid in the system and that the fluid is good enough to prevent the engine from freezing. In addition, antifreeze contains additives that prevent the engine from rusting inside.

It is easy to check that there is sufficient coolant on the engine. In the engine compartment there is a transparent container, in which the correct level of coolant is selected. Modern cars have a closed cooling system, so usually the fluid level should not drop. However, system leaks can occur, so it’s a good idea to check anyway.

Should bear minus 35

To prevent coolant from freezing and exploding to pieces in the engine, it must withstand cold temperatures well. To some extent, depending on where you live in Norway, experts recommend that you tolerate a lower temperature of 35-40 ° C. You can buy a simple tool to check this in auto supply stores for 50 NOK. Otherwise, this is something your workshop should be able to help you with.

MULTIPLE COLORS: In the shelf with antifreeze, you will find many colors.  It is important that you buy the right engine, otherwise the engine in the car may be seriously damaged.  Photo: Ron Korsfull

MULTIPLE COLORS: In the shelf with antifreeze, you will find many colors. It is important that you buy the right engine, otherwise the engine in the car may be seriously damaged. Photo: Ron Korsfull
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When buying antifreeze in the store, there are several types to choose from. They usually differ in color.

Before you buy, you should check the vehicle’s instruction manual,

red antifreeze

On newer cars with engines that have, among other things, aluminum cylinder heads, red antifreeze is usually applied. It is gentle on aluminum and, according to manufacturers, lasts longer. This means that it must last for at least five years before the property begins to lose.

If you use a different type of antifreeze in these engines, it can damage the aluminum parts or corrode the gaskets. You don’t notice it right away, but over time it can cause costly damage.

prevents rust

On older cars, blue or green antifreeze is often used. It contains substances that prevent the iron in the engine from rusting, and it is cheaper, but it has a shorter shelf life. This means a few years before real estate loses so much that it must be replaced.

Check out the book: In the car's instruction booklet you'll find good coolant advice and information about the type of antifreeze your engine should have.  Photo: Ron Korsfull

Check out the book: In the car’s instruction booklet you’ll find good coolant advice and information about the type of antifreeze your engine should have. Photo: Ron Korsfull
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Also, when filling in antifreeze, it is important that it has the same color or characteristics that were in the cooling system before. In the Volkswagen instruction manual, it is indicated how important the correct antifreeze is:

serious damage

“If the fluid in the coolant container turns brown, for example, this indicates that it has mixed with the wrong coolant. Then it must be replaced immediately. Otherwise it can lead to serious malfunctions or damage to the engine.”

How costly this can be depends of course on the damage. Just changing the gasket between the cylinder head and the engine block at speed costs 20,000 NOK. Repairing a broken cylinder head or engine damage caused by a frost blast can be much more expensive.

Check the instruction book

The Norwegian Automobile Federation’s technical advisor, Tom Andre Nielsen, offers the following advice:

– If you are not sure what type of antifreeze your vehicle should have, check the instruction manual first. It is important. If you mix different types, a chemical reaction can occur that causes the liquids to clump or become gel-like. The result is that it doesn’t cool the engine as it should, and serious engine damage occurs, Nielsen says.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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