The success of watching “Farmen kjendis” is Perhaps best known for its plot and reality drama, but how Participants wear their clothes It also became a topic.
Previous participants such as Vendela Kirsebom, Leif Einar “Lothepus” Lothe and Kathrine Sørland are among those who received a lot of attention about their choice of woven jacket when they were inside the reality ranch. In folklore, sweaters are often called a “farm jacket”.

Exposes “farm” violations
For many years, Ulvang was the patron of the TV show, and the famous turtleneck sweater suddenly appeared in the wardrobe of “Everyone” after it was shown on the screen.
This year, Tufte Wear is responsible for participant-sponsored clothing, but not everyone wanted to wear those clothes.
Dorthe Skappel, 59, confirmed to Dagbladet that she had entered into an agreement with TV 2 allowing her to wear her own clothes, including from the Skappel brand, on “Farmen kjendis”.
– It’s not a requirement
In recent years, Skappel has achieved great success in the field of knitting, and for a while the “Skappel sweater” was on the lips of “everyone”. Dorth’s daughters also engage in knitting. Eldstatter Maria is also married to Andreas Holzweiler, who with his sister Susan started his namesake clothing brand in 2012.

Holzweiler Pays Interns After Cash
In recent weeks, Skappel’s jacket and some of Holzweiler’s clothing have been seen on TV 2 several times a week in prime time.
BUCKET HAT: This blue and white hat is familiar to most “Farm Celebrity” viewers. Photo: TV 2
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HOLZWEILER: Here’s the same hat that Dorthe wears on the farm at Holzweiler’s online store. Photo: screenshot from
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Skappel told Dagbladet that she had a good conversation with TV 2 about the clothing issue.
– I had an interview with TV 2 before, and everything was complied with regarding the instructions I received from the channel.
Favorite: The green and gray Skappel knit sweater was Dorthe’s favorite on the patio. Photo: TV 2
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SOLD: The Dorthe sweater that Dorthe uses in “Farmen kjendis” has been sold at the time of writing at Skappel’s online store. Photo: screenshot
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TV 2 confirms that Skappel received permission to bring his own clothes to the farm.
– During “The Farm Celebrity”, all participants mix their own identifying clothes with the clothes they got through our Product Placement Agreement with Tufte. Dorthe Skappel has been approved that she can bring a self-knit sweater into the yard as one of her outfits. This was not a requirement of Dorthe to appear on the show, explains TV 2’s Director of Press, Jan-Petter Dahl.
– Inaudible
Marketing expert and lecturer, Trond Blindheim, believes that the use of Skappel’s special jacket in “Farmen kjendis” is good publicity for Skappel himself.
– There are a lot of people who watch this show, and many know that she is knitting and are reminded of it when watching it on TV. It is quite clear that it has a certain effect. He says to Dagbladet it will be like placing the product.

– shit the way it looks
However, it is difficult to quantify the market value, Blindheim believes. One thing, however, is clear.
An unbeatable mix of brands and celebrities.
However, Skappel was allowed to show his own productions on TV 2 in prime time, which caused press ethics expert, Gunnar Bodahl-Johansen, to react.
– I think it’s totally unheard and unacceptable. Media profiles so identified with the TV channel at the same time cannot be allowed to take advantage of the situation to get advertisements for their own product — whatever it is, he tells Dagbladet.
– As long as I have been in journalism, there has been a clear principle: there should be a clear distinction between editorial and advertising – and this is very important. But now you see that discrimination is about to be erased. This would be a very complicated way to take down ads, Bodal-Johansen says.

The expert answers: – Advertising poster
TV 2’s director of press disagrees.
We of course agree with Bodahl-Johansen that there should be a clear distinction between editorial and advertising. It is not true that as a channel we allow any media profiles to “take advantage of the situation to obtain advertisements for their own product”. exactly the contrary. All program participants are informed about the ban on hidden advertising and sign participation agreements with the production companies that organize this. Of course, our editors also do ongoing evaluations according to the Vær Varsom label, says Dahl.
Who are you interviewing with?
Another participant in this winter’s “Farmen kjendis” took a Skappel jacket with him on a journey back 100 years – namely Influences and author Sophie Elise Isaacsen (27).
She appeared several times in a red knit sweater, which she showed for the first time Blog In 2019. In the post, she linked to Skappel’s website, but confirmed that the position had not been paid for and that the jacket was knitted by her grandmother.
Knit Sweater: Sophie Elise Isaacsen’s red knit sweater is also a Skappel sweater. Photo: TV 2
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SKAPPEL: The same jacket Sophie Elise wears on the farm is on Skappel’s Instagram account. Photo: Instagram screenshot
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Later that year, it also became known that Isachsen and Skappel would launch a knitting group together. Now they are classmates again.
Isachsen was shortly after recording “Farmen kjendis”, in September last year, Only employee at «Good evening Norway». A third participant, Niklas Barley (32 years old), also works in the same editorial office. About three weeks into this year’s “Farmen kjendis” season, TV 2 . chose To deprive the trio of working on reality series They themselves are part of.
When asked by Dagbladet why Isachsen chose to bring the special Skappel red jacket to the television arena, she gave the following comment:
– I chose the sweater, which I did not take care of, but as a gift from my grandmother, both because I like her, but also because I wanted to bring a knitted sweater.
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