Farmin, Robert Michael Scott | Then Rob “Farmin” was arrested. Now make a new plan

Farmin, Robert Michael Scott |  Then Rob “Farmin” was arrested.  Now make a new plan

Rob “The Farm” stole the other participants after stealing food. According to himself, he forgot his whereabouts.

As “The Farm” enters its third week on the farm this week, many participants are beginning to feel they have come a long way with less food and less sleep.

From the first week, there were discussions and quarrels over food on the farm, with some of the participants not being happy with the “choice” offered by 1921.

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It didn’t get any better when other participants discovered that participants Robert Michael Scott, 53, and Hermann Herding, 24, had taken extra eggs and hid the bread away from others on the farm from day one.

After the lack of eggs on the farm becomes a point of discussion among the other participants, the truth emerges.

– I have said that for a very long time, there are very few eggs. We thought about the fact that 20 chickens lay very few eggs, Grethe Enlid (49) tells the camera during Wednesday’s episode.


The explanation for why there are so few eggs is simple, in tonight’s episode Scott is finally caught red-handed by Heidi Leering (24) for taking and hiding the eggs.

The atmosphere on the farm quickly changes from harmonious to tense, and many participants react forcefully to the fact that Scott has taken the liberty of taking an egg, rather than asking the other participants if he can be allowed.

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Although Scott argued that the egg found in tonight’s episode was a few days old and that he had eaten it because he doesn’t eat fish, no one was impressed by the Americans’ excuses.

We’re missing a lot of eggs a day and everyone knows that. Now we know why, when you’re standing here and cooking eggs, says Lering visibly.

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– Now hell is exploding

Scott told Nettavisen that he regretted admitting it was his egg when he was confronted.

– For a moment I forgot where I was, and admitted it was my egg. Just when I said that, I thought “Oh no,” and realized I was on “The Farm,” Scott said with a good laugh.

– I immediately thought that Hell was now exploding.

But although many of the ladies inside the courtyard were reasonably upset with the behavior of the Norwegian-American, he says he left no kind of regret over eating extra food inside the courtyard.

– I’m a big guy and I had to eat more. I don’t have a bad conscience at all. There’s nothing in Pharmine’s rules to prevent extra food intake, he tells Netavizin.

Although this time he was caught red-handed by the other participants, he says that didn’t stop him from continuing to steal food.

– I better hid them, ate them in the woods, laughs

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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