Fayol, UK | Temporary visas should alleviate the driver shortage in the UK

Fayol, UK |  Temporary visas should alleviate the driver shortage in the UK

To ease the severe shortage of truck drivers after Brexit, the British government is planning to make it easier to obtain a temporary work visa.

The shortage of truck drivers has contributed to long queues at gas stations that have run out of petrol, while authorities are begging people not to stock up, saying there is enough petrol in the country.

The government is now planning to provide up to 5,000 temporary work visas to bring in drivers who have left the country after Brexit.

It would be a complete reversal of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has tightened immigration rules after Brexit, and insists Britain becomes less dependent on foreign labour.

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Another measure being considered in addition to inviting foreign drivers is the facilitation of obtaining a truck certificate.

Britain’s exit from the European Union and the measures taken against the Corona pandemic have led to a shortage of about 100,000 truck drivers in the United Kingdom, which in turn is affecting shipments of gasoline and goods across the country.

Not only gas stations, but also many supermarkets are running out of more goods. Across the country, there are empty store shelves in grocery stores.

If authorities don’t find more drivers within the next 10 days, it will be a Christmas joke, says the British trade fair.

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The giant British Petroleum (BP) has warned the British authorities that it plans to conserve fuel at its gas stations in the future.

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BP is one of several companies affected by the shortage of tanker drivers in the country, she wrote ITV News Thursday.

The warning came to the British government during last Thursday’s meeting.

– BP has two-thirds of the usual amount of fuel in stock, and that proportion is rapidly declining, said Country Director Hannah Hoover.

The rationing means that the company will deliver petrol and diesel to most of its stations only five days a week. Gas stations along the highways are given higher priority and supplies are on for the week as usual. It is hoped that stocks will begin to stabilize in October.

(© NTB)

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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