Sven, who participated in the hunt without shooting the bear himself, says it weighed 130 kg live.
According to Swain, it was a three- or four-year-old male bear.
– What would you do with a bear?
– Before we got to the bear, someone called and wanted to taste the meat, says Svein.
However, the farmer is not keen on the somewhat exclusive meat.
– I did a lot with bears, I watch them eat. I don’t particularly want to eat them, he says.
Beyond damage removal or emergency protection, there isn’t much bear hunting in Norway. In autumn, permits were issued to kill three bears in Hetmark – four in Opland, NTP reports.
And that concludes this year’s bear hunt at Hetmark.
Sween says the bear was cut in the north of the municipality of Rendlen. He pointed out that there has been good damage to cattle in the area.
– Then it’s better to get a license, says Sween, who became a national celebrity when he won the farm in 2017.
– Hard hunting
Svein tells Dogbladet that a bear hunt is needed.
– It’s a tough hunt, but it’s fun.
The secret behind bear hunting — if the hunter is to be believed — is having well-trained dogs that can spot the shy omnivores.
– The important thing, he says, is to find a new trail in the morning so that the dogs have a good path to follow.
– Here we found a dead moose, someone checked it – then the bear was there and moved a little on the moose.
However, according to Sween, there was a lot of back and forth, including a bear-maul situation, before they rediscovered the trail.
– A bear came slowly towards a man sitting on a pillar, says Sweyn of the hunter who felled the animal.

Towards the traps: – Pure torture!
– Administration
Sven Wade calls management.
– This is simply management. Ranch Conqueror says it’s practically bear tribe management.
Quotas for bears and other predators – such as wolverines, lynxes and wolves – are set by predatory game boards in Norway.
Sween says no back-firing is allowed with kids anyway.
– You can’t tell the difference between a male bear and a female bear, he adds:
– but we mostly know in which areas the hindquarters are.
Last year, at least 160 brown bears were recorded in Norway, according to the report Predator data. 67 female bears – 93 male bears.
Male bears generally roam longer distances. However, later more local and mainly Pasvikdalen and Anarjoka in Finnmark live in the inner Troms, eastern Trøndelag and the eastern parts of Hedmark.
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