FRP, Carl I Hagen | Karl Hagen reveals an unknown detail: – He got angry

FRP, Carl I Hagen |  Karl Hagen reveals an unknown detail: – He got angry

Gardermon (Netavizen): Why was Carl Hagen so embarrassed during a national Frp meeting that he wanted to hide under a chair?

We will come back to that. First, we’ll tell the story that was given the title in this case, and then we’ll have to go back to 2001.

The newspaper is online at a hotel near Gardermoen and covers the national meeting of Frp. This month the party is celebrating 50 years, and it shows. The National Council is more reminiscent of a summer camp with debate training and a party than a highly charged political meeting place.

We take the opportunity to sit down with Karl-Ivar Hagen, chairman of the party for 28 years (1978-2006) and now parliamentary politician for Oppland.

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– exasperated

After Siv Jensen took over the presidency of the FRP, in 2013 she was able to bring the party into government for the first time. Now Sylvie Listaug would certainly negotiate for government power if there were a bourgeois majority.

But this was not the case in 2001, when the left lost the elections and Jens Stoltenberg resigned. Høyre, KrF, and Venstre relied on the FRP to form a government, but Hagen didn’t even get much chat with the other parties. FRP isn’t in the heat yet.

They didn’t want to talk to us. I said that the four parties should meet, discuss and figure things out. No, they didn’t want me with me, says Hagen.

He thinks he knows why others exclude Frp completely.

– This may, of course, be due to the fact that I have been engaged for a long time and have been involved in many difficult discussions. I was not considered as serious and responsible as I gradually became, says Hagen and adds about HRP Commander Kjell Magne Bondevik:

– He and I have been criticized for so long that it would be a defeat to just sit in the same room and talk about the situation.

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Right after the election, Hagen said so Bondevik should become prime ministeralthough the Conservative Party was the largest party on the bourgeois side.

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– I said that at a press conference, when Jan Petersen (Høyre leader, ed.’s note) still wanted to be prime minister, you should stop talking about it, Jan Petersen. The only way to bring the PUK into government is for Bondevik to become prime minister.

– He was angry! But a day passed and then he gave up. It became clear that the negotiations were continuing, and that Kjell Magne was the prime minister.

– I learned that the only reason Bondevik joined the government was if he became prime minister, adds Hagen.

Hagen believed that the distance was too great to sit in government, both politically and between personalities.

– It was a great distance. The Conservative Party did not like that I agreed to Carr Willoch’s resignation in 1986. They will never forget it, he says and recalls the 1986 oil price crisis which led to the resignation of the Conservative Prime Minister.

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Hagen says that in any case a lot was needed for the FRP to enter government in 2001. For comparison, he says that even the agreement that the FRP reached when it entered government in 2013 was not good enough in his opinion.

He wanted to hide

Hagen seems to lend his support to the old statement of one of the early party secretaries, Eyvind Ekbo: that Anders Lang’s party was like putting out a lantern in the dark. Then a lot of strange things happen.

Hagen was no longer shocked by what he heard from the pulpit.

– I am proud to have played a part in building something that life has created. He says the party has transformed from a “loose grassroots movement” into a well-organised party, adding:

– It’s great to sit and listen to discussions with only good posts, without feeling embarrassed and wanting to hide under a chair, Hagen says and laughs.

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It dates back to the late seventies and early eighties.

It happened occasionally during the old national meetings that people spoke insolent things from the rostrum of the national meeting and said obviously insignificant things. After all, we were called village idiots and city idiots.

Did you do anything to control people when things got out of hand on the platform?

– I whispered to them after that a few words. “Hey, that doesn’t fit into the platform.” There were only a few, but we probably had to accept a few things since we were in the construction phase.

– Now there is an organized party that sees solutions where others see problems. Had we managed the last two years, we wouldn’t have had such high electricity prices, Hagen says, referring to cap bidding.

– And we will abolish the fuel tax, which would have made the price of petrol seven crowns.

Then he says interest rates and inflation will be lower.

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We were in free fall

After Sylvie Listaug became party leader two years ago, FRP has been virtually silent in the polls. Today they are on 12.2 percent.

Hagen raised the party to 22.1 percent in the 2005 election, and it has seen significant swings. Perhaps the biggest drop occurred in 1989.

– I remember the elections of 1989, almost before you were born, says Hagen, blissfully unaware that the journalist was not thinking about the time.

– Then we got to 25 percent, I think, when the election campaign started. We ended up at 13 percent. I think it was absolutely amazing. 13 percent. We went from 2 to 22 representatives of the Norwegian Parliament. Today we have 21 states.

We were in freefall last week. If the election campaign continued for another week, we would not have succeeded in achieving 13 percent.

Measurements from 1989 It shows that the FRP was over 25 percent in June 1989, and that a few days before the election they polled at 23.7 percent.

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Hagen believes the downfall is because conservatives began attacking them on the eve of the election campaign. Abb defended vigorously against FRP’s policy on National Insurance and pensions, and attacked the Conservative Party on the brink.

– The attacks of the Labor Party did not make much of an impression, but in the last ten days the Tories have been at our throats.

– Then people thought “Geez, Labor is attacking FRP and Hagen, we don’t take that seriously, but when the Tories do!” Then they took it seriously. We were in free fall last week.

Hagen believes that the Conservative Party has benefited from being an established opposition party, and that the same is now happening to the Conservative Party. Then comes a small jab at Erna Solberg:

– True, the Tories sat quietly in the boat for a long time. She pretends otherwise when asked about it. However, in the two major issues, there is no difference between them and the government, according to him, referring to electricity prices and the prices of gasoline and diesel.

– Would you sit still in the boat if you had such a high turnout?

– No, Hagen answers bluntly. Then he thinks about it.

– If we have such a high turnout? Yes, that is likely to be possible. When you’re at the one percent, you have very little to lose. You need to be meticulous to create headlines. But when we were 20-25 years old, you had more to lose and be more careful.

And finally: what does Hagen think it will take for Frp to rise in the polls again?

– There had to be a situation where we had a bourgeois government of which we were not a part, where the people understood that there would be no particular difference. then! Then we will move on. People wanted to know where the alternative really was. Same situation as SV is now, and they have moved on.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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