Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby is buried today

Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby is buried today
Funeral: Hans Eric Davek Hosby will be buried on December 9.

Hans-Erik Davek Hosby died on 19 November. On Thursday, he will be buried from Lillestrøm Church.


Hasby, better known by the name of artist Hank von Helvet, has turned 49.

“It is with a heavy heart that we have said that Hans-Erik Devik Hosby, also known to the world as ‘Hank von Hill’, sadly passed away on November 19, 2021. We pray that family and close friends will be respected in this tragedy.”, said in an announcement on his Instagram late Friday, November 19.

The news of the death of the distinguished rock character Celebrities greeted with great sadness and fans all over the world.

Read also: Matt Hans Eric Davek Hosby

Today he is buried from Lillestrøm Church. The party starts at 12 noon.

It will be broadcast live on VGTV and on Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby’s miniside.

Hans-Erik Davek Hosby is best known as an old singer and leading man under the pseudonym “Hank von Helvet” in Rock band Turboneger in the period from 1993 to 2009.

See photos from Husby’s life:

Whoever wants to say goodbye to Hans Eric Davic Hosby, is welcome today at Lillestrom Church, as stated on the Hosby memorials page. Husby has lived in recent years in Lillestrøm.

«For the family of Hans-Erik Devik Hosby, the celebration in the church will be a personal farewell. The family does not want any personal exposure in connection with the ceremony. May that be respected. At the same time, the family is aware of the place of Hans-Erik Devik Hosby in Norwegian and international cultural life’,” Jølstad wrote in a press release about the funeral.

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The government submitted on Tuesday New national corona measures. It will also be important for funerals and memorial services.

  • Memorial services after funerals and burials can accommodate a maximum of 50 people. The funeral itself is a public event with fixed seating, see below.
  • 3 groups of 200 people with a distance of 2 meters between groups at all times in public events with fixed custom seats.

Hank from the manager of hell: – Hans Erich’s body can no longer stand it

VGTV broadcasts the funeral of Hans Eric Davek Hosby:

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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