Haugenstua housing association has cultural heritage value. Therefore, the necessary rehabilitation will cost the residents NOK 790 million.

Haugenstua housing association has cultural heritage value.  Therefore, the necessary rehabilitation will cost the residents NOK 790 million.

In the Haugenstua housing association, rehabilitation has been required for years.

As the housing association is a cultural monument that must be protected, the rehabilitation will cost NOK 790 million. This will lead to double the collective costs of the residents.

That's why Karian Lundsbakken started a petition drive to stop the process.

Karianne Lundsbakken has lived in the Haugenstua housing association since 1992. Since then he has lived in three different flats in the same block.

She wants to live there. Here, her children have grown up in a neighborhood of countless nationalities, where neighbors play an important role in each other's lives. Here is about live. 3,000 people, divided into 882 flats.

But it's gotten expensive over the years — and it looks expensive.

Now the housing association faces extensive and expensive rehabilitation after a lack of maintenance. Byantikvaren's requirements make it even more expensive.

- We understand that the facade needs to be reconstructed, but we don't want to accept the extra cost that Piandigvaren imposes on us, says Karian Lundsbakken.

Common costs are doubled

Haugenstuwa Housing Association is in Bindiguarans Yellow List. This means the property has a cultural heritage value, which means you need to apply for permission if you want to make changes to the building.

Because of Bindigwaran's recommendation to preserve as much of the original facade as possible, the much-needed rehabilitation will be approx. A high price of NOK 150 million. This will bring the final amount to NOK 790 million.

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This will lead to higher joint debt and double the joint costs of residents.

For a three-room apartment, costs increase from NOK 5,497 to NOK 11,472. For a four-room apartment, it will increase from NOK 6,355 to NOK 13,263.

– People are desperate. It robs us of sleep at night – even those who manage. Lundsbakken says you love your neighbor and you wouldn't wish this on anyone here.

– Fortunately no one was hurt

President Hassan El Mesoudi says the blocks need to be renovated to create a safer area for residents.

In 2018, several loose pieces of concrete were found on the facade of a block.

– There were several pieces of concrete ranging from one to six kilos. Mesoudi says it's lucky no one was hurt.

To avoid that, the board has initiated security measures for the facade. All the loose concrete was removed, but the damage turned out to be more than first thought.

The Housing Society found it necessary to change the façade of the blocks. When they applied for this, they were told to use concrete slabs that would match the original character of the building.

– When I saw the contractor's offer, I got shivers. It was more than a billion, says Mesoudi.

President Hassan El Mesoudi believes that rehabilitation is key to the safety of citizens.

Support of NOK 170,000

Then there was a long battle between the housing association and Bindigwaren. After six years, Piantikwaran accepts that some parts of the buildings could use a different facade panel.

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In return, they demanded that details such as the full architectural expression, size and color of the stone be addressed.

It costs NOK 790 million.

As compensation for preservation of cultural heritage, the board applied for grant in 2022. They later received NOK 120,000 from Piandikvaren and NOK 500,000 from the Cultural Heritage Fund. The remaining NOK 789,830,000 is distributed among residents.

– You don't have to be an academic to see how it affects people. Everyone's costs have gone up, so they're doubling collective costs after all. It is inhumane.

Until now, Karianne Lundsbakken has collected approx.  350 signatures, he says.

– I am alone with the expenses

Resident Karianne Lundbaken believes it's unfair that residents should pay the bill.

– This is a residential area, not a museum.

For her and those with four-room apartments, joint costs will increase by almost NOK 7,000 per month. month.

– I am alone with the expenses. This is not favorable. After struggling my whole life, the increase feels like it will eat up everything I can save.

Lundsbakken is disabled, but not the only low-income resident of the Haugenstua housing association. He says many neighbors will have to move as joint costs increase. At the same time, he points out, sales are needed with such high collective debt.

– A pretty facade doesn't put food on the table, Lundsbakken concludes.

A defense can be secured

– If upgrading buildings had to be done cheaply, Oslo would be different.

And so says the ancient Andre Corsachsel of Bindigwaran. Due to the high cultural and historical value of the Trabant city, he believes that the Haugenstuwa housing association can be protected to protect Bindigvaren, so it is important to preserve the architectural expression in the best possible way.

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Antikvaren says that high-quality materials often cost more than other alternatives, but Byantikvaren has not seen statistics showing that rehab would have been cheaper by making other choices during rehab.

In addition, the Haugenstua housing association has a large maintenance backlog, which Corsaxel insists will be expensive anyway.

– Everyone who owns buildings in Norway must pay to improve and maintain them.

- It's Oslo's best-preserved dull city, says antiquarian Andre Korsaksel in Bindigvarn about the Haugenstuwa estate.

He says it's sad that residents have to relocate because the cost of rehabilitation is high.

At the same time, he admits that the NOK 120,000 grant from Bindigvaran is a drop in the ocean, given the high costs, but points out that the housing association only applied for NOK 170,000.

– Want to pick up a municipal bill?

– I am not aware of such arrangements in Oslo municipality or the state, but they are completely free to apply for a building permit for another way of further changing the facade.

A housing association can apply to the Planning and Building Agency to make changes to the building against the recommendations of the Bindigwaran. However, in that case, the Planning and Building Agency will ask for an estimate from Bindigwaran before they carry out their independent assessment.

– So is it a real possibility?

– I won't speculate on that.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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