Here, the Beta Tesla FSD wants to drive off a cliff, and dominate at the last second

Here, the Beta Tesla FSD wants to drive off a cliff, and dominate at the last second

Frick Lambert from Electrek has a Model 3 with “Full Self Driving” version 10.12, a beta version launched in May this year.

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Tesla’s never-ending technology is of the nature of it, and this is a beta program, but even Lambert, who writes about Teslas and drives it all day, was surprised at how weak the system was in certain situations – situations that could end in very serious crashes if you didn’t follow through and take the lead.

In this case, Lambert took his girlfriend for a car ride in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains, a mountain range known for its clear roads. That shouldn’t be a problem, thinks Lambert, who was also right on the first part of the trip.

The impending error occurs 12 minutes and 58 seconds after the video started:

Walking and driving detected correctly

The car remained perfectly centered on the road on good quality roads. The car spotted two pedestrians on the side of the road, one of whom was missing in the shoulder, but they nevertheless made sure to give them plenty of space. Lambert points out that at this point, as many times before, he’s found that FSD loosens the throttle for no reason – not as much as when using autopilot, but oftentimes this is a nuisance and a problem that should have been solve it.

In other cases, such as in this 13-minute test, the car could end up taking turns too fast, and had the car journalist not controlled the car in this case, it could have ended tragically.

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Lambert explains:

“The Tesla FSD Beta obviously took the sharp turn very quickly and was about to throw us down a cliff on the side of the road. I hit the brakes when I felt the car cross the double lanes towards the other side of the road. It was very scary for a moment.”

The strange thing here is not that it was a bug, but that the system was aware that the road ahead was making a sharp turn. In addition, the car reduced its speed by 16 km / h less than stated, but still had a very high speed in a sharp turn.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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