– I’m switched off

– I’m switched off

ULLEVAAL (Dagbladet): The national ski jumping team manager has worked for several years for women to compete in figure skating. In the future, at least, there will be no government support.

It became clear in connection with the breakfast meeting that the Like Opportunities value project was organized at Ullevaal Stadium this week.

There were ambassadors such as Maren Lundby and Amalie Yoel. The same was the Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Annette Tribergstoen – and Prathen.

Want a snowboarding trip for both sexes: Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Annette Trettebergstuen.  Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

Want a snowboarding trip for both sexes: Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Annette Trettebergstuen. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB
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– It’s completely incomprehensible, says Trettebergstuen to ask Dagbladet what she thinks about women not being allowed to jump on the ice with the fly.

It’s frustrating and surreal to sit down and read those labels you didn’t understand, or that you’re facing resistance to wearing more obscure panties. There are some big matches to take internationally for this sport. I promise to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who fought this battle.

– Could you use your position internationally, speaking with the Minister of Culture or Sports of Poland and Germany to get the same ideas as us?

– Absolutely. An important part of any politician’s daily life is to go out and talk to fellow politicians. I will use my voice to speak about Norwegian sports.

Conversation: Tina Wolf and Sven Graf chaired the breakfast meeting at Like Opportunities.  Right: Maren Lundby and Claes Brady Brathin.  Photo: Tori Ulrich Bratland

Conversation: Tina Wolf and Sven Graf chaired the breakfast meeting at Like Opportunities. Right: Maren Lundby and Claes Brady Brathin. Photo: Tori Ulrich Bratland
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This is music to the ears of Maren Lundby and Norwegian strongman Klas Brady Brathin:

– I am happy to hear the Minister of Culture say that she will contribute to other countries. Because if there’s one thing they understand about the countries we need attraction from, it’s hierarchy.

Bråthen uses countries in the Balkans and Austria as examples of countries against which it has worked. Lundby remained desperate for several years after being released on a snowboard flying slope. But because she is a woman, it is not permissible for her to do so.

I hate injustice. I get incredibly pained to deal with when I suffer injustice, Bråthen says at the breakfast meeting.

Well attended: Attendees at Olival Stadium listen to conversations on stage.  Photo: Tori Ulrich Bratland

Well attended: Attendees at Olival Stadium listen to conversations on stage. Photo: Tori Ulrich Bratland
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– There are those who say that girls should not be allowed to jump on the ice to fly. And there’s an elephant in the room: I’m afraid there are some amazed people around the world who think that jumping on ice is no longer difficult if girls jump. This is bad.


– It is important to understand that when you are discussing with someone from the Balkans or Austria, they have a completely different background. Then the use of rating does not help. You have to understand why they think the way they do and have them play with the right strings to put them on the right track.

a call: The jump girls are desperate to escape skateboarding. But the majority in the FIS does not allow this. Here’s from a call where several women – including Maren Lundby – have asked for snowboarding.
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At the FIS International Ski Federation meeting this spring, nine countries voted against seven countries against snowboarding. The topic is guaranteed to resurface at next spring’s meeting.

Some use the level as an argument. When this argument is eliminated, they start with the fact that there are very few girls, says Brathen.

– But suppose that there are fewer girls than boys who will be able to master the creation of a good fly-ski race in Vickersund. And let’s take the critics’ numbers, that only 15-20 girls can do it. Does this mean that 15-20 girls will not get the chance? This is what makes me completely put down.


– I think they are afraid that the amazing thing about snowboarding will disappear if suddenly a girl who dares to do the same thing as “strong men” appears. I never understood why some people think boys are stronger than girls.

Bråthen is pleased that women’s jumping has made great strides in the past twenty years. But he thinks the last part is going very slowly.

Looking forward to the next season: Maren Lundby is ready to return to the ski jump.  And then you want to bring a skate with her.  Photo: Tori Ulrich Bratland

Looking forward to the next season: Maren Lundby is ready to return to the ski jump. And then you want to bring a skate with her. Photo: Tori Ulrich Bratland
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Lundby is hoping there will be flying skis for next season, but he won’t put all his savings into this.

– This depends on what they discovered at the FIS meeting this spring. For many years I thought something would happen, but I don’t know.

I took a year off due to weight challenges.

– I only took a short technical break, because there is no skating this year. “But I’ll be back,” she said with a smile at the breakfast meeting.

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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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