It started with the phrase: Marianne Wolov is dead

It started with the phrase: Marianne Wolov is dead

The couple had just returned home from a holiday in Türkiye when the accident occurred.

The car sank in the port area after driving straight across the ferry and exiting the other side of the boat at 5.30pm on Sunday.

The couple was taken to hospital by helicopter, but their lives could not be saved.

-He was very ill to receive this letter. We found gifts for the grandchildren in the luggage, their daughter Ulrika tells the Swedish newspaper Express.

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In shock after the brutal discovery: – I can't believe it

– Always contribute

The pair were heading from Forsund on the mainland northeast of Stockholm to the island of Yeksland.

The couple had had a cabin on the island since 1972. After retiring 13 years ago, they settled permanently on the island.

According to Expressen, the pair were known for their involvement in Yxland, from midsummer celebrations to working on board and maintaining the island's facilities.

Take a drive: This is where the couple ended up in the water, outside Försund northeast of Stockholm.  Photo: Janie Akesson/Swipex

Take a drive: This is where the couple ended up in the water, outside Försund northeast of Stockholm. Photo: Janie Akesson/Swipex
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There are about 300 permanent residents in Yxlan. In the summer, the population increases to more than 3,000 people.

The couple's children, Ulrika, Robert and Stefan Osterberg, had a close connection to the island.

– They were very loved – not only by the family, but by everyone. They have always contributed positively to the community here in Yaksalan, the former tells the newspaper.

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The investigation was conducted by the police

She says she and her siblings received a lot of support from rescue services, police and health workers in the wake of the tragedy.

“They were really nice and respectful,” Robert Osterberg, Ulrika’s brother, tells the newspaper.

The Swedish Accident Investigation Board has been notified of the accident, and the police are investigating the accident to clarify the circumstances surrounding it.

– She simply crossed the gates and sank into the water, said Jonas Franzen of the Norwegian Maritime Administration after the couple's death was announced.

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He went fishing – became a millionaire

– Incredibly grateful

Expressen wrote that the grief is difficult to bear for both the family and the local community, but the tragedy binds them together.

– Ulrika says: – I am so grateful for all the warmth, love and security we received from my mother and father.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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