Famous Bollywood star Krishnakumar Kunath, better known as KK, passed away on Tuesday night. It’s Indian reports Hindus.
After an hour-long live show in Kolkata, India, the singer returned to his hotel. In the hotel room collapsed.
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The 53-year-old artist performed at the Nazrul Mancha hall, but after the performance, the singer suddenly fell ill, according to the newspaper.
The father of two children was allegedly taken to a private hospital, Calcutta Institute of Medical Research in South Kolkata, where he was pronounced dead. A representative from the hospital told The Hindu:
– Too bad we couldn’t fix it.
The 53-year-old died of a heart attack. He leaves behind a wife and two sons.
After the tragic death was known, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi (71), took to Twitter to share his condolences.
“It was sad to hear about the passing of famous singer Krishnakumar Konath, better known as KK. His songs reflected a wide range of feelings that afflicted people of all ages. We will always remember him through his songs. My condolences to the family and his fans.”
Other Bollywood stars have also shared their tributes on social media, including singer Harshdeep Kaur.
The most beautiful person I have ever known
“I just can’t believe our beloved #KK doesn’t exist anymore. This really can’t be true. The voice of love is gone. It’s heartbreaking.
Actor Akshay Kumar describes the death as a ‘shock’.
“So sad and shocked to hear the sad news of KK’s death. What a loss!”
KK released their debut album Pal in 1999, and they were known for their spirited live performances. He has recorded songs in a variety of languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi and Bengali.
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