Kristiansand – NRK Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio on E18 Large amounts of water fill basements and create queues

Kristiansand – NRK Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio on E18 Large amounts of water fill basements and create queues

In the last hour and a half, Christiansand has seen real rain, said Acter Police District Operations Manager Lynn Andreson.

Parts of the Paneheitunnelen, which leads the E18 through the heart of Kristiansand, are filled with water.

– The tunnel has three sectors. I’m coming from right field, it’s total chaos, says Olav Lamm, who took this photo in the subway.

After heavy rain in Christiansand there is a lot of water.  Here a car stops in the Panehia Tunnel surrounded by lots of water.

After heavy rains, there is a lot of water in Christiansand. Here, a car stops in the Panehei tunnel surrounded by lots of water.

Photo: Tipser / NRK

Vegtrafikksentralen Sør also reported waterlogging in the Oddernestunnel as a result of the rain. This led to rows in E18. The two tunnels are separated only by the Oddernesbrua, which crosses the river Otra at Kristiansand.

Employees at the Tonsen shoe store in the Darkwartlet shopping center mop up water from the floor after several areas of Kristiansand flooded on Friday afternoon.

Employees at the Tonsen shoe store in the Darkwartlet shopping center mop up water from the floor after several areas of Kristiansand flooded on Friday afternoon.

Photo: Dor Eric Schroeder / NTP

Heavy rain caused storm water and traffic problems at the Panehei tunnel on the westbound E18 on Friday afternoon.

Heavy rain has led to several storm water and traffic problems at the Panehei tunnel on the E18.

High water level at Østre Ålefjærvei in Kristiansand.

High water level at Østre Ålefjærvei in Kristiansand.

The driver was assisted

At 5.26pm, the Road Transport Center announced the temporary closure of the tunnel. The Viking had to help the unmounted motorist. An hour later, the Road Transport Center announced that the tunnel had reopened. The western opening of the tunnel is heavily waterlogged.

Police The fire department was notified to consider draining the water.

In southern Norway there is usually a lot of water on the road. According to the weather forecast, it should be calm now. But we request people to drive according to the conditions. There is a risk of aquaplaning, says Andreasen.

The torrential rains led to massive waterlogging in Christiansand, which later resulted in closed roads and flooding.

The basement of the police house in the Quadrathuren in Kristiansand and the Torquardled shopping center both received large amounts of water. The grocery store had to close the Meni shop.

Foundations are filled

Police also receive many complaints from residents of Kristiansand about flooded basements, which they pass on to the fire service. 110 Akter reports that several cellars have been flooded.

As heavy rain fell on Friday afternoon, firefighters in Christiansand set up hoses to drain water from the basement under the police house.

As heavy rain fell on Friday afternoon, firefighters in Christiansand set up hoses to drain water from the basement under the police house.

Photo: Dor Eric Schroeder / NTP

– We want to help everyone, but we don’t have the resources. 110 Agder writes on Twitter that you will understand this.

As of 6 p.m. Friday, 30 storm damage claims to homes and businesses had been received by insurance companies. The damage toll is expected to rise on Friday evening and over the next few days.

The insurance company wrote in a press release that the damage was primarily caused by water seeping into basements in the Kristiansand area. According to IF, some cars were damaged by water.

Glasses at Sigmund Clementz, IF damage insurance office

Sigmund Clements in IF Damage Insurance.

Photo: IF Skadeforsikring

– It usually takes a while to get a good picture of how much damage such storms cause. There is always a backlog of damage reports. At the same time, the storm continues elsewhere along the coast, so much damage is likely in many places, communications manager Sigmund Clements said in a press release.

He currently has no estimate of the damages in kroner and øre.

Heavy rain lashed Rogaland and western parts of Akhtar this morning. Mandal recorded 17.7 millimeters between 2 pm and 3 pm.

Widespread rainfall is occurring in the western part of the district. Flekkefjord, Farsund and Gyland, says operations manager Andresen.

60 mm in two hours

A warning has been issued for the affected areas.

Figures from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute show that 26.4 and 24.8 millimeters of rain fell between 15-16 and 16-17 respectively at the Deugneben measuring station, approximately 500 meters from the tunnel.

State Meteorologist Rafael Escobar Lowdahl

State Meteorologist Rafael Escobar Lowdahl

Photo: Eivind Molde / NRK

Holdalsnuten received the most rainfall with 29.8 and 30.1 millimeters. 15th to 17th rain in Kristiansand. Holdalsnuten is located in Gimlekollen, just off the E18 in Kristiansand.

The record is held by the Sømskleiva measuring station in Kristiansand with 38.8 millimeters between 4pm and 5pm on Friday.

The worst of the rainy weather passed Kristiansand at 5 p.m. Follow Yr.

– KHeavy thunderstorms in southern Norway today produced heavy rainfall in a short period of time. These are large droplets formed when warm and moist air is quickly pushed into the atmosphere. This type of rain can cause stormwater runoff in densely built-up areas and local flooding, according to state meteorologist Rafael Escobar Lovdal. Meteorological Institute.

The state meteorologist says this amount of rainfall in a short period of time is not unusual, with the risk of stormwater runoff and local difficult driving conditions over closed roads, streams and rivers.

Last year on July 29, 78.5 millimeters of rain fell in 60 minutes, a Norwegian record for rain in Norway. The same event recorded 26.5 millimeters in 10 minutes.

See also  - When it rains, I see many tremors - NRK Oslo og Viken - Local news, TV and radio
Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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