Labor and the Agenda are wrong about Tory secondary school reform

Labor and the Agenda are wrong about Tory secondary school reform

Debate: Hadia Tajik on the Ap and Axel Fleldavli on the Tankesmien Agenda are trying to create the impression that the Conservative Party wants seventh graders to get grades, which is wrong.

Now we hope more people will join in and discuss the 80 measures we have put forward for high school renovation, but the discussion will be better if we actually discuss what we are proposing.
  • Margaret Hagerup
    Margaret Hagerup

    Parliament Representative (H), Education and Research Committee

published: published:


This is the topic of discussion. The post was written by an external contributor, quality assurance by the discussion section of Aftenbladet. Opinions and analyzes are the property of the author.

In working on Conservative high school reform, we immersed ourselves in knowledge and research about the school, listening to school leaders, teachers and pupils. Middle school is a short and hectic period when a lot is going on in the lives of young people. Students must develop academically and socially and make decisions about further education. Therefore, we suggest a four-year high school test in schools that already have grades 1-10. Steps with research to follow. The goal is for students to have more space and time to settle down and develop academically and socially. However, we are not suggesting that students get grades in early, or on a more over-the-day curriculum.

More practical and versatile

Among the 80 high school renovation proposals are important steps to ensure a more practical and diverse school with mastery and educational enjoyment for all students, as we will work to make the secondary school more practical and diverse.

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However, we cannot avoid the fact that far too many students start high school without being able to read, write, and do arithmetic well enough. This gives them a poorer starting point for being able to complete secondary school. If we can help these students read and do math a little better, the likelihood that they will complete secondary education increases significantly. That’s why Høyre wants extensive training in reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as in high school for those who need extra help.

The Conservative Party has also been criticized for introducing a national test in English in Year 9. Today we have national exams in reading and math in grades eight and nine, but only in grade eight in English. In order to keep track of students who are lagging behind in the subject getting the help they need during their high school years, we want to add another test. It gives teachers, school leaders, and school owners important knowledge. Good school leaders highlight how they actively use different tests to give students the best possible learning outcomes. Today, in 13 years of education, pupils will spend 15 hours on compulsory national exams and mapping exams. Høyre believes that we must have knowledge of the school in order to have knowledge in the school.

The right has achieved a lot

The fact that pupils’ motivation and well-being in secondary school must be taken seriously. This is why the Conservative Party is also putting forward measures in reforming our secondary school that will strengthen the team around the student and the team around the teacher. When Tajikistan criticizes us for not doing this, there are many indications that it has not read our reform well enough. The Conservative Party will, among other things, ensure good access for health nurses and effective liaison with other services if required. We want schools and municipalities to consider introducing interdisciplinary teams such as ‘environmental teams’, where different professions and fields can work together to ensure greater well-being among students.

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A lot is going in the right direction at the school after eight years with the Conservative Party in government. Approximately 5,400 additional students complete high school each year, more choose vocational subjects, there are more teachers in classrooms and student absenteeism has dropped dramatically.

However, there is a need to ensure that more people learn to read, write and arithmetic properly so that we can achieve our target of 9 out of 10 completing secondary school by 2030. Therefore, we want to create a secondary school with knowledge, quality and proficiency, which maintains motivation, He sees and challenges each student individually. Now we hope more people will join in and discuss with us the 80 measures we have put forward for this, but it would be a better discussion if we actually discussed what we are proposing.


Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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