Leader debate | There is a logical flaw in the whole process, a breach of the promise of dimensions

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On Wednesday, it became known that the Støre government was able to restore the educational offer at Nesna as an insufficient use of Nord University. It was they who, with so much effort and without listening to local input, were forced through the closure, which will now restore the higher education institution and run it even further. There is a logical flaw in the whole process, a breach of the promise of proportions.

During the election campaign, the restoration of the college in Nesna was highlighted as a battle issue by both the Center Party, the Labor Party and the Socialist Left Party. What we are witnessing now is panting as the decision is based more on wishful thinking that the wounds from the use of force in the years prior to the shutdown have healed, than that of someone who actually wants to keep promises and ensure the college has a good life under an owner who wants the institution all the best.

It is also ironic, as political editor Skjalg Fjellheim notes in a commentary in Nordlys, that a new political standard is now being introduced into higher education in this country. First, you place a department or unit in your own portfolio. Then they can wait for the new government to take back the show and give the foundation a golden advantage: They keep all the money they made from closing the show — and actually receive additional funding to get it back.

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The entire battle for Nesna University College has been the development of an institution that over the years has worked in pairs with Helgeland’s local and municipal communities to ensure urban communities, districts, qualified teachers and ultimately nurses. For many years, college has been almost a guarantor of the need for small and large schools to get the best possible employment of very important professionals.

After the merger with Nord University on January 1, 2016, there is hardly enough way to describe the misery of the show. Hardly any of what they were doing kept goals. Education was almost described as a danger to itself, and the shutdown took place despite strong protests from a united area. We have found absolutely no evidence that the quality of the teachers and nurses educated at Nesna stands behind anything you find elsewhere in the country.

With this as a backdrop, the government is now clearing all disputes and directing Nord University to take back the show. In addition, a broad fee of around NOK 150 million is awarded for the misery the university institution in Bodø has caused to an entire area and the local community. We can only apologize, but we don’t have much faith in the environment in Bodo. And trust is not something you can claim. You have to earn it. With recent history in mind, confidence is, to put it mildly, worn out. This is in the event that there are other institutions in the region that can assume the role of partners and close allies.

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Therefore, we can hardly rejoice that the government has broken its promises.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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