Lightning, rain | Meteorologists have warned of sudden weather changes in southern Norway

Lightning, rain |  Meteorologists have warned of sudden weather changes in southern Norway

After several weeks of stable and sunny weather, the weekend will be characterized by lightning, thunder, strong winds and showers in southern and eastern Norway.

– Thunderstorms may bring local winds of 15 to 25 meters per second and locally heavy rain.

The Meteorological Department has issued a warning Danger warning Lightning is expected in parts of southern Norway and eastern Norway this weekend. The danger increases from 20:00 on Saturday and lasts until 05:00 on Sunday.

– It's hard to say where it comes from. People should be prepared. It will be local and unpredictable. But this actually applies to the whole of southern Norway, namely Trøndelag and further south, says Olav Erikstad, who is on duty at Stormgeo. Television 2.

May cause damage

The Norwegian Meteorological Agency has indicated that there is a risk of lightning damage to property, fires in buildings and plants, and power supply disruptions.

For large parts of southern and eastern Norway, this is already the case Constant risk to wildfires after weeks of little rain.

On Sunday, according to state meteorologist Vibeke Thyness, it is expected to bring strong winds in the Oslofjord and outer Skagerrak. Across southern and eastern Norway, there will be thunderstorms in the afternoon.

– Wind is unstable. It's like watching a kettle of boiling water bubble, says Thynes NRK.

Pull out the sockets

Unsettled and moist air will continue to affect southern Norway's weather next week, he says.

The Norwegian Meteorological Agency advises people to check weather forecasts for the weekend immediately. In the event of an expected lightning strike, the agency advises unplugging electrical appliances and avoiding open spaces, large trees and water.

See also  A dream predicts a weekend in southern Norway - V.G

(© NTB)

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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