Lily Bendres: – New project:

Lily Bendres: – New project:

After it became known this fall that ‘The Power of Spirits’ will no longer be broadcast on TV Lily Pendres (75) Busy with other projects. Among other things, she has participated in the “Ghost Hunt” show, directed the podcasts “Inexplicable” and “Spirit & Science”.

When Dagbladet recently met her at the TVNorge premiere party “Drag me out”, where she herself was a guest judge, she could have said that she would take it a little more quietly in the future.

The older you get, the more you can do. So I think, “Lily, now you have to retire soon,” I laughed.

Knight: “I had to bring a great man when I came in the Queen’s costume.” Video: The red carpet
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The Power of Spirits profile further explains where to charge the batteries in the future:

She said excitedly – I bought an apartment in Spain, so I will go there and spend almost two months.

New TV Show

Last summer, several media outlets appeared NRKI announce that Lily Pendres and her good friend Princess Märtha Louise (50) She started a television company called Dragonflies AS.

However, it was not known what the duo would do with the company, but Bendriss revealed to Dagbladet what their plans are.

MUST MAKE TV: Martha Louise and Lily Pendres will be producing TV this fall.  Here on the red carpet with Marie Manzetti (left) and Lea Isadora Behn (right).  Photo: Christoffer Andersen / NTB

MUST MAKE TV: Martha Louise and Lily Pendres will be producing TV this fall. Here on the red carpet with Marie Manzetti (left) and Lea Isadora Behn (right). Photo: Christoffer Andersen / NTB
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– I’m also getting a new show with Princess Martha and Mary (Manzetti editor’s note) where we’ll go out and look at the concept of love. We’ll be recording this in the fall, so it’s going to be very exciting. That’s kind of the important thing I’m looking forward to.

Dagbladet has been in contact with Princess Martha Louise’s manager, Carina Scheele Carlsen, who has stated they have no further comments.

Surprise: Martha Louise appears in an unfamiliar place in the third movie “Long Flat Balls”. Video: From the top of the cliff
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Enjoy the individual life

In the spring of 2019, viewers can follow Lilli Bendriss in search of love in the TV 2 show “Celebrity Looking for a Girlfriend”. There I found happiness with her 28 years younger, Shad Tabin (47).which she had previously dated intermittently.

Choose the couple make it finish In the late summer of last year, at which time Penders could tell they had gone from friends to friends.

After just over nine months as single, the 75-year-old doesn’t feel quite ready to enter the dating market again.

– I take it calmly. I often sat at home and knitted, not exactly running around town.

So you won’t be seen on any new dating show?

– No, there will be no new program. Absolutely not, she said with a smile.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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