Love IRL – I don’t know how the partner would have handled my case

Love IRL – I don’t know how the partner would have handled my case

On the TV show Love IRL, we meet a group of guys who will try to date, and hopefully meet the big love. Registrations took place in South Africa this spring.

Ischemic girl Tina Larsen (24 years old) is one of the participants in the programme. She admits that it was a pleasant surprise when one of the people in charge of casting actors contacted her on Facebook.

– At first I was very shocked, she says.

KK meets Tina at a cafe in Barcode in Oslo. She was wearing a high neck brown jacket, her long hair flowing down her shoulders. She says she thinks it’s a bit strange to sit down for an interview. The 24-year-old isn’t the kind of person who’s progressing as much as usual.

Shock: When the application to participate in Love IRL came, Tina was initially shocked.  Photo: Ida Bergersen

Shock: When the application to participate in Love IRL came, Tina was initially shocked. Photo: Ida Bergersen
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What was the first thing you thought of when you received the offer to participate in the program?

– I was skeptical. I was actually against some programs like Paradise Hotel and the like, but I realized that this was a proper and real dating program for very normal people.

Thank you at the last minute

Although Tina liked the concept, she was completely unsure, so she chose to leave the ball dead. Even friends and family started teasing her saying that she should accept.

– They said I can’t let such an opportunity pass me by – How often do you get such a chance? So I changed my mind, and at the last minute I called and said I wanted to join anyway. She says it was only when I was on the plane, on my way to South Africa, that I really realized what I agreed to.

Tina entered about 10 days after the first runners arrived at the villa, and stayed for 17 days.

At first it was very scary and strange. I had to adapt to the cameras and a lot of new people. But in the end I ended up in the famous “bubble” everyone is talking about, she says with an even bigger laugh.

DATE ON TV: Tina Larsen is a participant in the new TV show Love IRL.  Photo: Discovery

DATE ON TV: Tina Larsen is a participant in the new TV show Love IRL. Photo: Discovery
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state of exhaustion

On the program, Tina talks about, among other things, that she suffers from a state of burnout, which she has suffered for about five years. She was afraid that this would present challenges while recording, as she needed more breaks and breaks than others.

– I was a little afraid of people’s reaction when I told them that. But she says people have shown a great deal of understanding.

– What is it like to live with this condition?

Tired, she says quickly, and adds:

– I have been used to it now for many years, so I am used to it, and I can adapt to it. But it poses many problems in daily life. I have a lot of cognitive and physical symptoms that make it difficult, and I need a lot of time for myself. So, it was difficult for me to date and start a relationship with someone. I don’t know how any potential partner would have dealt with someone with such a condition.

Without knowing anything for sure, Tina suspects that she developed this condition as a result of struggling with her mental health for several years.

– When I started high school, I suffered from depression and other mental problems.

– missed so much

What considerations should be taken into account in daily life?

Write a schedule for each week. I have to write down everything I have to do so that I can spread my energy throughout the week. It requires a lot of planning and can be difficult at times, because sometimes I can be bad. I feel like I missed a lot. It can be difficult to know where the boundary is. Everything becomes uncertain and difficult, she says, and continues:

If I stress myself too much, I can be bedridden for several days before I feel better. But I’ve gotten much better at balancing it out, and setting boundaries. Before I went bang after bang all the time, because I didn’t climb to organize it.

Tina is now working on extensions, where she takes on topics, so she can finally follow her dream of becoming a nurse.

– I know it is a demanding profession, but I hope and believe that one day I will recover. I work for it every day.

She admits that she was about to give up many times, but always clung to the hope that she would get better.

If you don’t have dreams, you have nothing.

Optimist: - If you have no dreams, then you have nothing, says Tina.  Photo: Ida Bergersen

Optimist: – If you have no dreams, then you have nothing, says Tina. Photo: Ida Bergersen
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Many of the people at Love IRL play games – including Tina. She’s been doing it since she was in elementary school, and about six years ago she started livestreaming. That is, she plays against others online, while her followers are watching her.

– I’m just doing it for fun. Some of the people who follow me have been doing this for many years now, which is very nice.

– Have you been examined by any of them?

Tina laughs a little.

– Yes, I’ve had some bad choice lines here and there, but I’ve never met any of my viewers “that way,” she says.

demanding yet

Dating can be stressful in and of itself, so it was really hard for Tina. But she made sure to be open about the situation early on, in the times when she was on a date.

Most people seem to understand, but no one is able to understand being sick, unless you are in the same situation or you are in the same situation. After that, it can be easy to squeeze a little, and if someone does, it quickly becomes tiring for me. It made me hold back a little. I’ve been afraid to go into something for a long time, because I’m so used to dealing with it on my own.

Tina was clear that she would need breaks during her stay in South Africa, which was facilitated by production.

– If it didn’t work out, I couldn’t participate. I didn’t know if I would be able to do it, but I thought I could try – in the worst case, I would just have to go home, and then at least I would.

Good experience: Tina is happy that she accepted the TV show.  Photo: Ida Bergersen

Good experience: Tina is happy that she accepted the TV show. Photo: Ida Bergersen
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Love blossomed in South Africa

– How does it look so far on TV?

– It’s so weird having cameras around all the time – it feels a little unnatural, and it can be hard to let go. But it was so much fun, and I had to challenge myself in many areas. I have become more confident in myself. Such experiences make you grow a lot as a person.

– Did anyone become a couple during the program?

– yes. But I can’t tell who, Tina says mysteriously.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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