Good (France) – Terrible results in hunting days.
The assassin, Mark Floris, 33, wanted by French security forces throughout France, has died in the holiday region of Cte d’Azur. The French media broke the news on Tuesday.
Two Dorian R. near Floris weekend near St. Tropez. (32) is suspected of shooting the mother of.
The police call the man they wantPhoto: Police
According to the French media, the perpetrator and the victim are said to have had a previous relationship. After the young woman ended the relationship, Floris allegedly harassed her for several months. When police wanted to interrogate the suspect at his apartment in Creole, he allegedly shot an officer.
Interior Minister Gerald Durman confirmed on Twitter that the search for the Alps-Myriads had been halted.
Gendermary searched the mountainous terrain of Nice with 33-year-old armed dogs, helicopters and special forces.
The background to the suspect’s death was not initially clear.
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