Meteorologists with disappointing news: – Danger due to rain

Meteorologists with disappointing news: – Danger due to rain

Many Norwegians are facing a rainy week and we have to trust meteorologists.

The Norwegian Meteorological Agency has issued yellow warnings for heavy rains in Lofoten and Outer Ofoten. On Monday, 35-50 mm of rain is expected within twelve hours, and surface water and aquifer risk.

Goes away

Northern Norway, Western Norway and Central Norway are characterized by mild and humid weather.

But it is still a bright spot – for some.

– Those in eastern Norway are the ones escaping the weather the most this week. It’s not going to be glorious sun and good weather all week, but they’s not getting as much rain, says on-duty meteorologist Julie Solswick Wagane Dockbladet.

Nonetheless, there is little doubt that the start of the week will be wet in eastern Norway as well. It may rain even a little on Wednesday.

– Heavy rain at least on Tuesday and late Wednesday. Throughout the week, wind and weather come from the east, so much of eastern Norway is on the right side of the mountains, meaning rainfall falls on the west side, he says.

Dramatically: Heavy rains in Linfen city in China’s Shanxi province have caused several large depressions. Video: Newsflare. Reporter: Julie Tron.
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Divided into East and West

Many southerners can expect pleasant weather this week. Many still have to cover themselves with rain.

– They differ between west and east – depending on where you are in Sørlandet. If you are in the south, you can probably escape the rain, but it will rain as much as Roland. Akhtar is probably a bit divided between East and West, says Solsvik Vågane.

In western Norway, 40-60 mm of rain is expected in 24 hours on Tuesday. Wet weather will continue in the Northland as well. Also, the company has warned that only rainwear will be applicable in the next few days as there may be some wind along the coast.

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– If you look at Trams and Finmark, it’s raining, especially in the Northland. I’m sitting in a tromso, where the snow we had was going to rain. The meteorologist says that the wind coming from the south is very light.

– Weather in most places, ending in degrees on the plus side before the weekend approaches, followed by more winds from the north. Over the weekend – from Thursday – he says it will be minus degrees.

At the plus degree level

– Is it snowing this week?

– There are some unpredictable forecasts for the weekend, with thunderstorms likely in Toms and Finmark and a little south of the Nordland as it looks now. It remains to be seen how cold it will be before a new barometric depression develops. He says it’s a bit off and on in mid – November.

However, in the first part of the week, there will be plus degrees in large parts of the country.

– Generally, there are many places in the south where it is around 10 degrees at the beginning of the week. It is a little colder in the north, but mostly on the plus side in degrees. There is a slight decrease throughout the week. Currently it is very hot in Møre o Romsdal and 13 degrees in Sunndalsøra. He says being in mid-November is too mild.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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