Never drink alcohol – VG

Never drink alcohol – VG
Opening: Greta Thunberg.

The world-famous Swedish climate advocate reveals personal details – like the fact that she’s as keen on romance as she is on drinking.


The 19-year-old allowed an interview with British writer Caitlin Moran timeswho describes Thunberg as “the most famous teenager in the world”.

In the interview, Thunberg somewhat lifts the veil on her private life, which is marked by the attention she’s received across her more than four-year campaign.

It started with a poster that read “School Strike for Klamite” outside the Swedish Parliament.


Thunberg says she never drinks alcohol and has never been drunk — in part because she doesn’t want to give anyone the pleasure of being able to brag about their drunkenness for the first time.

– I will never drink, I will never do anything … stupid, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m that kind of person or because I don’t want to be ‘visible’. I suppose it could be both, she told the newspaper.

Carrying the kettle: Greta Thunberg with her world-famous poster, pictured in Stockholm on Friday this week.

She has a similar approach to falling in love with someone, and she explains that she would feel very exposed if she approached someone in this way.

You have people looking at you, but you also become much more vulnerable.

Thunberg tells of an existence unlike most of her peers.

For example, you live with a girlfriend, because addresses in Sweden are public and you want to avoid revealing where she lives.

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This may make sense, says article author Caitlin Moran Twitter That her timeline has received more phishing and abuse from “bots” than I’ve seen before, after The Times published a link to the case in the same medium.

– It’s clear that a lot of it is paid for and coordinated. I long for the day when we can get stats on this bullshit, wrote Moran, who has 881,000 followers.

Star Status: Greta Thunberg on the main stage at Britain’s massive Glastonbury Festival in June, shortly before Paul McCartney and Bruce Springsteen took the same stage.

According to Thunberg, she had security guards, but only for a few days after Donald Trump mentioned her on Twitter in 2019.

She was then recently named Time magazine’s Person of the Year, and addressed the United Nations General Assembly.

It reportedly brought attention and death threats, as well as worldwide fame.

struggling financially

The 19-year-old says she somehow feels like a totally normal activist – but that unlike her, most activists don’t have to deal with the paparazzi.

Thunberg says she also hates the influencer label that some have tried to put on it.

At school, she liked economics to say the least, because economics is a construct that, in her eyes, worships humanity.

At the end of October, she will release her first book. It has been given the Norwegian title “Klimaboka” and is intended to be a guide to understanding what is happening to the world and why – as well as how to bring about changes.

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Proceeds will go to charity. Thunberg admitted to The Times that she would like more money, and that her personal finances – based on student grants – is not a sustainable project.

She is convinced that a lot of people would be dumbfounded if you made money from what you do.

– I think we are somewhat morally obligated to be active, but you can make a living that way. Artists and influencers can make money doing what they do without people getting mad at them, but I can’t.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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