Decades pass each time a new airport is built in Norway.
Over the next few years, it will happen as planned Only two are being built in the Norland.
One of them is located in Bodø, where the runway at Bodø under NOK 7 billion will ensure that it is moved 900 meters.
But the state is not the only one paying for state-owned spirits.
The EEA agreement puts an end to that.
Transport and Communications Minister John-Ivor Nicard could not pay Avinor without ESA approval.
Photo: Remy Sagan / NRK
Remove 200ml with one stroke of pen
On Thursday, the government presented the revised national budget.
Here they have removed NOK 200 million from the airport project, precisely because EEA Terms.
The money went to the spirits and was used for planning.
– This is a complex financial model. Transport Minister John-Iver Nicard explains to the NRK that we must be sure that this is subject to EEA regulations.
Therefore, the authorities have started the process of obtaining ESA Permission must be granted.
– We will not clarify this until next year, Transport Minister John Iver told Nicard NRK.
Is in conversation
– Private or public ownership is not important. Support for business activities, even if the ownership is public, may be government assistance.
It says Jarley Headland. He is the Head of Communications at ESA. He confirms that the Norwegian authorities contacted them.
Finn Arnesen is a professor of European law at the University of Oslo.
Photo: Hilde Lillejord / UiS
It is clear that Finn Arnesen, a professor of European law at the University of Oslo, has a duty to report in this case.
The EEA agreement basically prohibits aid that could affect trade.
Planned support must be reported to the ESA, which will decide if support is affected by the blockade and if so a distribution should be provided..
– As a result of not reporting such a transaction, the ESA may request a refund. It would have been difficult for the recipient, says Arnesen.
– But can’t the government decide whether to pay them or not?
– No. When The government, or government-controlled entities, conduct economic activity, and as the term is understood in the EEA agreement, we are dealing with “companies”, he says, and continues:
– If money is given within the state, it will be the same as if the area were engaged in economic activity.
Fear of taking time
Stein Snow is a political commentator for Avisa Northland. He knows it will not affect the actual decision on the new airport.
– It is very guaranteed that it will come. But before I get the money from the state, it’s hard for me to imagine that Avinash will speed up the planning process, he says.
But this would mean delays, he did not ignore.
– Avinor boss has already stated that Avinor has no 2027 target. I think the airport will be operational soon from 2029.
Stein Snow is a political commentator for Avisa Northland. He is ready for the delay.
Photo: Kåre Riibe Ramskjell / NRK
Says Avinor boss Abraham Foss Avisa Northland In any case, there must be a completeness before construction can begin.
– In addition to the positive changes in funding, the government proposes, we should conclude final agreements with both Bodø Municipality and Forsvarsbygg. Foss says the ESA must approve the funding and we must make a comprehensive contact with the construction contractor.
The Minister of Transport and Communications is aware that the Nygård project has no practical significance.
– There is nothing to indicate that you will not be able to make the necessary decisions to move forward with the project. This is not news to the spirits or to those of us who work in it. These are planning funds, which are deferred until 2023. He says Aviner is moving forward with the plan as planned.
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