No, there will be no mass surveillance of Norwegian citizens – statement

No, there will be no mass surveillance of Norwegian citizens – statement

Tekna claims again that the government is introducing a mass surveillance system with the new electronic law, this time In a post on NRK Ytring.

The fact that the phrase is repeated does not make it any more correct: It is still not true that Norwegians will be subject to mass surveillance under the new cyber law.

What the law allows, is the storage of metadata about communications that cross national borders. Data about Norwegian communications will be filtered as far as possible. Data that cannot be filtered will be stored in bulk, but searching in storage requires court approval. The content of the connection will not be saved.

The system should be used for foreign intelligence, not to monitor its population. It is a prerequisite.

The criticisms made by the National Audit Office and highlighted by Tekna are serious, and are being pursued in the Norwegian Armed Forces. This criticism does not apply to the system that the electronic service is now in the process of being built. The organized collection system was not used. The system has a number of security mechanisms around it.

EU provisions like Tekna The reference has been evaluated, and the Norwegian facilitated collection system falls within the limits set by the European Union.

We agree that both the EOS Committee and the courts must be strengthened to be able to pursue the new electronic law. This work is in progress.

Authorities are concerned with protecting people’s privacy. At the same time, we are interested in protecting Norway from external threats. This is a very demanding balancing act, and we think we found a good balance.

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Good intelligence is key Defense and Security in Norway. We have to follow what is happening around us, also in the digital space. Intelligence must help protect our society and our values ​​from threats from the outside. The new electronic law will facilitate this.

The new law will enhance our national intelligence capabilities. Today, we rely on other countries with similar systems that share information with us.

We will discover more threats that target us from the outside, and we will be better able to confront them. We are better protected from digital threats, as well as other threats that can be detected in the digital space, such as espionage, sabotage, hacking and terrorism.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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