The last time Peter Northough went to Betustolen, he was eliminated for the first time for classic skating. Then he became number 35 and came out front in the race.
Being active, Northug was very unexpected. In Betustolen, it can vary between unique and unfortunate. Even off the track, the TV 2 expert was unexpected.
Something happened almost always around me in connection with the season opener in Betustolen. “I have so many memories from here that it’s hard to pick, but I chose three,” Northog says.
All that was required was for the king to take sides
The first memory dates back to 2010.
After the 2010 Olympic gold medal, Red Bull wanted to make a deal with me. The agreement was to be signed in Betustolen. There was a problem of course. Because many, at the time, thought it wrong for the cross-country skater to have anything to do with Red Bull. It was a front page post where the General Secretary of the Sports Confederation, Inge Andersen, asked me to drop the agreement. I met my father on the stairs outside Peppe here in Beitostølen. He said the same thing. Røkke, as head of Aker, the main sponsor of the national cross-country team, was of the same opinion. Northog says, I was waiting for the king to join the discussion.
Skating King: Peter Northough recalls previous episodes on Betustolen. Photo: Yngve Sem Pedersen/TV 2
– And that only motivated you to sign the agreement?
– Yes, perhaps this was a bit typical of me, with results in the bank and self-confidence, so it was like this: I would provoke! The noise gave me more motivation to sign with Red Bull. And then I felt like I pointed the finger at all the sporting leaders who opposed the agreement. I just had to show that Peter was driving the ship here. Doing things my way and at the same time being a little provocative, Northog says, has motivated me.
The money bag has disappeared
In 2013, Peter Northough came to Betustolen after turning his back on the national team. As a Coop runner. There was no good showing outside the national team.
– I’ve been sick for a long time and haven’t exercised much. But again it was a mess when I came to Betustolen. There were many who were excited about what I could do. I got some looks from people I haven’t seen in a long time. I felt in the environment, in the whole of Betustolen, that coming here at that time was something special. I was the one who didn’t want to be in the national team. But I had to do something to create a new incentive, and thus invest on my own. Coop runner Northug’s premiere was nothing to brag about. I didn’t exactly walk around with my head held high here at the time. My training was really poor and I was No. 10 in the sprint and 61st in the classic 15 km race, he says.
Proven: Peter Northug ran his own show in 2013. Photo: Terje Bendiksby
– Why did you never say that this cooperation agreement gave buckets of millions?
– Yes Yes. But there is not much left. We used co-op money! I had a support team with several employees, so that wasn’t profitable for me. It costs to stay alone and you have to assert himself in the world top. I was interested in speed skating — and the money bag was gone, he says.
– People are donkeys
In 2014, the season started after he was drunk driving in the spring and crashed at his home in Byåsen.
Then old Peter stayed a little in Bettostoln. I was in a war mood, now I was going to harass myself again. I felt like I had the same diabolical attitude I had from 2007 to 2011. I was on my way to the World Cup in Fallon, Northough recalls.
– I just caught some noise here in a white ski suit and colors on my chest like the cycling world champions did. I won the race, just drove from the finish zone straight to the service guys, hit me in the chest and yelled “People are idiots.” Half-crazy Peter Northough is back. It was meant to be as comical as I was. I loved the competition. I was going to win, the competitors were circular floats, and no matter who I was, I flipped it. TV 2 expert says, the only thing that stood in my head was that I should finish first.
‘People are the donkey’: Peter Northough won the race ahead of Sondre Turvoll Fossli. Swipe his lip all the way. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Photo: Terje Pedersen
– When I’m in this “bubble” I’m a little crazy. I report a lot during the races, and I say lots and lots of ugly things. To distinguish me: I’m here! President! I wanted to show everyone how much control I had.
– You little asshole?
– Not a little asshole. Too fool!
“Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner.”