The Labor Party went to the polls with the promise of “banning recruitment that will replace permanent employment.”
But it is not clear how to follow the promise of the hundred day plan. Until now.
In the same week as the government’s centenary, Labor Minister Hadia Tajik (Labor) comes to a conclusion:
The government will ban the hiring of workers from companies – but only in the construction sector and in Oslo, Wieken and the former Westfold County.
– Tajik tells the NRK because this area is considered a labor market.
He says the scope for hiring in the construction sector is almost twice as high in the Oslo area as in the rest of the country.
– Therefore, we see the need to define this geographically, but we will closely monitor how the purpose of recruitment in other parts of the country develops, he says.
Labor and Social Affairs Minister Hadia Tajik (Labor) believes it is time to tighten the rules. Here is a conversation with Rune Porkerson, a mason in Fiegeldheim, and Nutson on a construction site at Radium Hospital.
Photo: Mats Ronning / NRK
– Fear the consequences
The actual consultation proposal will be submitted Wednesday, but NHO director Nina Melsom did not want to be heard.
He says many companies have to say no to work because of a lack of manpower that could jeopardize planned construction projects.
According to the NHO, if employees are barred from being hired by companies, companies will have to say no to jobs.
Photo: Vidhar Root / NDP
– Our companies are very concerned. They think the government here is going too far, she says and continues:
– We also want permanent employment, but companies need to have a certain type of flexibility. You can not hire based on what the peak of the job is. You will have too many staff on the reserve bench and it will be very unprofitable.
Bjørn-Fredrik Johanssen, general manager at Nortekk, a roofing and plumbing company based in Skedsmokorset, shares NHO Top’s concerns.
– Capturing Norwegian artisans is a major challenge. If there had been access to staff we would have hired many new people today, Johansen said when NRK visited the family-owned company just before Christmas.
Bjørn-Fredrik Johanssen, general manager at Nortekk in Skedsmokorset, fears the consequences of the austerity.
Photo: William Jobling / NRK
He says employee companies are the main source for recruiting permanent employees in the construction industry.
– He says 30-40 percent of our permanent employees started out as hired.
But Labor Minister Johansson did not share the concern.
– There will not be too many workers in the industry because you have a loose connection with it. Safe jobs are so attractive that it makes it easier to enroll more of our own youth in these subjects. Tajik
LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik is in a similar line.
– I fear that without the government presenting it now, the huge shortage of skilled artisans will continue to increase, ”says Folsvik.
– In many places, the construction industry in and around Oslo has become the exception rather than the rule. The LO leader says that most of the wage workers are from foreign backgrounds, especially those who are vulnerable to social waste.
Many tights
When asked if the government is introducing a trade embargo on the labor industry in the Oslo region with the new rules in place, Tajik responds in the negative.
– The construction industry in Oslo can no longer be hired from employee companies. But can be rented out between manufacturing companies. For example, other businesses can rent – With the right to make appointments through actual vacancies or contracts with unions, he says.
There is one in the counseling program Sequence Suggestions and the possibility Tightens, In addition to the geographical barrier affecting the construction industry.
– Punished
The rules of hiring between manufacturing companies in the industry are the same as before, but Tajik insists that as a general rule hiring should only be for pure temporary positions.
Exceptions apply to businesses Bound to top collective agreements And those who make their own contracts with shop officials.
NHO Nina Melsom says the government is going too far.
Photo: Moment Studio NHO / Moment Studio
The NHO hopes that this tightening will affect small and medium enterprises that do not have a collective agreement.
– There are employees who do not see themselves benefiting by demanding a collective agreement. NHO’s Nina Melsom says the company will now be punished for refusing to organize employees.
– Tajik, is this a move to protect more members of the LO?
– We hope to contribute to a more organized work life, which is first-line protection against junk businesses. It is an advantage if the degree of organization is high because it will increase productivity Productivity To the country We help reduce the level of conflict, Says Tajik.
Access removed
Prime Minister Jonas Kar Store (Labor Party) Announced in an interview with the NRK in October. The government has already eliminated general access to temporary work.
It’s new The rights of wage workers must also be strengthened. This can be done, among other things, by extending the right to permanent employment after a certain period of employment. The deadline should be reduced from the current three or four years to two years. The claim will cover more cases than it does today.
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