On the night of April 26, 1986, the fourth reactor at Chernobyl exploded.
About 4,000 people died, but so was the number discussed.
The worst nuclear accident in world history was a reality.
She is now 35 years old.
The United Nations says nuclear power An important source of energy with low emissions.
Is it time to invest in nuclear power in Norway?
– Absolutely, says physicist Suneva Rose.
Rising electricity prices also raise other issues.
Can nuclear energy lower prices?
Are you afraid of the consequences of nuclear power plants in Norway?
Ultra-low emissions
Sunniva Rose has a PhD in Nuclear Physics and Physics. She has also published a book on nuclear physics and is also posting research on Instagram, among other places.
There should definitely be a discussion about nuclear power in Norway.
OK. But what exactly is nuclear energy?
What is nuclear energy?
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chain reaction
A nuclear power plant is based on the fission chain reaction. Fission means sharing. In this case, the atomic nuclei must be shared. Why should it be shared?
Sharing gives energy
When the atomic nucleus splits (splits), energy is released. This energy is used to heat the water. Why heat water?
When the water is heated, it will eventually boil. This releases water vapor. connected turbine. It will start spinning. The turbine is again connected to a generator that produces electricity.
A nuclear power plant is constantly ejecting a lot of white smoke. This is water vapor. But radioactive waste is also produced, which must be stored. Some people think this is a problem, others don’t.
Nuclear power plants emit white smoke all the time.
In the.
It’s just water vapor.
according to Data obtained by Johnny Heathammer and Water Bell Gravendel Nuclear and wind energy are the energy alternatives that emit the lowest percentage of Co.
Norway already has a lot of hydroelectric and wind energy. Rose thinks it’s good.
At the same time, she believes that nuclear power can be an important and necessary addition.
The challenges with renewable energy are, among other things, that they use a lot of space. In addition, the sun does not shine all the time. The wind does not blow completely evenly. Magazines are not always filled with water.
Sunniva Rose believes that land use is one of the great advantages of nuclear power plants.
Hesthammer and Gravendeel’s analyzes also show that nuclear power uses little space. In fact, the power supply is turned off by gas only.
But then we must mention that gas energy emits several times more than nuclear energy.
Nuclear power is the obvious choice
Why is there resistance if nuclear power is so good?
Among other things, it produces radioactive waste debate.
The 1986 Chernobyl accident killed 4,000 people, according to several sources. Sunniva Rose says this helps stir up some skeptics about nuclear power plants.
Photo: HBO Nordic
Steffen Oliver Sæle is a board member of the Friends of Climate Nuclear Energy Association. He told NRK that suspicions about security had no factual basis.
– It is important to address this issue without bias and on an up-to-date factual basis. Today’s nuclear power plants are as safe as solar panels.
– If low risk is the most important thing for choosing an energy technology, nuclear power is the obvious choice.
Young people are more positive
in a survey doing it Norstat noted earlier this year that young people are relatively positive about nuclear power:
The same study showed that those over the age of 40 are more passive. As many as 50 per cent do not agree that we should invest in nuclear power.
What do young people themselves say?
Havard, Sander and Cornelius go to Hudsell High School in Nordland.
The three young men completely agree on one thing:
Norway should invest in green energy in the future 👇
Students from Hudsell High School. Discuss nuclear energy.
There is no good IDthat it
Nearly half of young Norwegians support Rose and Seal that nuclear energy is the future.
– If the world is to reach its emissions targets, there is only one alternative it can achieve regardless of the weather; Nuclear Energy, says Sæle and refers to Report of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe earlier this year.
The largest nuclear power plant in Europe: Zaporizhia in Ukraine has the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. If you drive north for ten hours, you will reach Chernobyl, which is also located in Ukraine.
Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / NRK
Not everyone agrees that this is the future.
– Safety, costs and time are the main reasons not to invest in nuclear energy. We think it’s not a good idea, says Trols Golosin, president of the Nature Conservancy.
On the other hand, we are witnessing significant advances in technology in the field of solar energy and battery:
Golosen says he meets very few who believe that Norway should become a nuclear power.
There is no reason for Norway to develop nuclear energy. We don’t have much need for energy. And we already have a lot of energy.
– In addition, we do not have coal and gas power plants that we have to get rid of.
Other areas: Trols Golosen of the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature believes that Norway should focus on areas other than nuclear energy.
Photo: Lars Tore Endresen / NRK
We disagree over waste
Golosen also worries about the risk of serious accidents. As well as waste storage. Moreover, he mentions the danger of using waste in war.
– If we want to have nuclear energy, it requires a security culture and a security community that I don’t think we want in Norway.
Sall in his book Climate Friends of Nuclear Energy does not agree that waste from nuclear power is a risk.
– Interestingly, it is precisely the waste from nuclear energy that is problematic. In fact, this is the type of waste that is probably best dealt with. Plus, the waste becomes less dangerous over time, he says.
The Friends of Climate for Nuclear Energy was founded in 2020.
Photo: Åse Igland Berg
– After a few hundred years, the residue is less dangerous than lead. The size is also very small, Seal continues.
Where are the major nuclear power plants located today? 👇
persistent uncertainty
There has always been excitement On whether the European Union will define nuclear power as a sustainable investment. Sustainable Finance Action Plan It is due to be presented before Christmas.
Why is there resistance if nuclear power is good?
– It’s always scary to be the first to resist the wind. Even for those who are familiar with the topic. I look forward to seeing who is ready for this task, Answers by Steffen Oliver Sele.
Ole Christian Restadt was previously a reactor manager for the reactor at Keeler. It is more conservative than Sal.
Today, the fourth reactor at Chernobyl is enveloped. Ole Christian Rystad says some countries started with nuclear power before the suspicions cleared.
Photo: Jan Espen Kruse/NRK
– There are new concepts in which the issue of weapons is of little concern. However, we face significant amounts of uncertainty regarding waste and accidents.
– There are also doubts associated with nuclear energy. This must be clarified first. We still have 10-20 years left until we can realize that. Meanwhile, the sun, wave, and other things may be more relevant.
cheaper energy
Reistad and Gulowsen mention other energy sources as being more important than nuclear energy.
Sal believes that one does not have to go at the expense of the other.
– It’s like saying: “No, we don’t need reliable power.” Unfortunately reliability is underestimated.
Sunniva Rose agrees that reliable strength is important. We believe that nuclear energy can provide it.
– I personally have a dream. It wouldn’t be anything, but imagine nuclear power outside of old oil rigs. Built by “Aker Nuclear”.
Suneva Rose says she dreams of nuclear power on the old platforms.
Illustration: Egil Ursin / NRK
Finally – can nuclear power provide cheaper electricity?
Yes, if we are to believe the climate friends of nuclear power.
– You need to produce energy when the stove is on. Not before, not after, says Sal.
He went on to say that we are connected to the continent because we depend on the weather to produce electricity.
Outside Norway They have the same problem. In addition, gas prices vary.
According to him, the choice between unreliable production is the choice between:
- Increasing dependence on the continent…
- …or to be the master of one’s own home.
– In this way, he concludes, reliability is also important for electricity prices.
Do you have any good tips or issues that I should review?
I wrote previously, among other things:
“Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst.”