Nuclear power plant statement Does Halden have the capacity to store nuclear waste?

Nuclear power plant statement  Does Halden have the capacity to store nuclear waste?

Read that many people advocate Norwegian nuclear power, and that the joint stock company Norsk Kjernekraft, among others, is keen to build nuclear power in Halden. But, as you can read, Norway still suffers from nuclear waste generated by the nuclear reactors in Halden and Keller, which were active from 1960 to 2019, and transports this waste virtually. 17 tons all around.

This is nuclear waste from reactors that have been shut down ie. Because of insecurity. No one wants landfills containing highly radioactive waste in their municipality, but someone has to pay for it and as stipulated today it is NOK 1 million per day just for temporary deposit. Aftenposten points to a report that estimates that clean-up costs at Keller and Halden will require at least NOK 15-20 billion in the next few years.

Disposing of radioactive waste takes a time horizon of hundreds of thousands of years according to the NGU (Geological Survey of Norway).

At Chernobyl, they have now only created a new shell on the outside of the destroyed nuclear power plant, but without knowing how this radiation center will be treated further using today's technology.

Halden could again be used as a test site for nuclear reactors. But more investment should be made in research on nuclear waste treatment before investing in nuclear power plants. Norsk Kjernekraft Joint Stock Company should spend money on research into the safe handling of nuclear waste. Radiation involves energy.

Research into new technology capable of taming this energy so that it can be put to use requires significant investment, but can provide profitability in the long term. We have clean energy opportunities in our vast country with water and wind. Nuclear power has been polluting for generations The money and energy used to obtain nuclear power in Norway must first be used to deal with the nuclear waste we already have in Norway.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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